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               mud. Tbe uniform sequence prevails in tbe neritic-  by individuallayers or by sequences is  not reliable.
               batbyal environments;  bere sedimentation of bemi-  Tbis  does  not  rule  out  tbe  possibility  tbat  some
               pelagic  muds  is  dominant.  Tbe  muds  are  sub-  techniques,  such  as  detailed  cbemistry  and  petro-
               sequently  bioturbated;  intercalations  of  mud   logic  analysis  of  tepbra  layers  (Keller  et  al.,  1974;
               turbidite  sequences  are  also  present  in  tbese  en-  F.  W.  McCoy,  pers.  comm.),  may  be  used  in  tbis
               vironments.  Sedimentation  in  tbe  basin  environ-  respect.  It should be recalled,  bowever,  tbat  turbi-
               ments  is  similar  in  some  respects  to  tbat  in  tbe   ditic ash  layers  tend to  bave  a  more  limited aerial
               neritic-batbyal  environments.  However,  deep basin   distribution  than  that  of  air-borne  volcanic  ash
               deposits  are  recognized  on  tbe  basis  of  well-  layers.
               stratified  units  including alternating  layers  of  tur-  A  discussion  of  correlation  of  Strait  of  Sicily
               biditic  sequences,  bemipelagic  mud,  and  volcanic   cores  by  carbon-14  tecbniques  will  be  treated  in  a
               asb layers.  Gravity flow  deposits sucb as  slump and   later section.
               grain  flow  units  also  occur  in  tbe  basin  environ-
               ment.  Environments  in  or  dose  to  tbe  Strait  N ar-
                                                                ENVIRONMENTAL  FACTORS  CONTROLLING  THE  STRAIT
               rows  are  generally  typified  by  a  relatively  bigber
               proportion  of  coarse  calcareous  san·d  deposits.
                 Certain  coarse  calcareous  sand  layers  encoun-  In  tbe  following  discussion  we  sball  consider
               tered  in  ali  of  tbe  sballow  platform  environments   severa!  aspects  of the Strait of Sicily sedimentation
               may  be  litbostratigrapbically  correlatable.  How-  in  terms  of  environmental  factors.  In  particular
               ever,  tbe age  of tbis  litbosome  need not be strictly   the  following  will  be  considered:  (I)  the  role  of
               isocbronous  since  sucb  deposits  are  closely  related   Quaternary dynamics,  including tbe factors  related
               to  deptb,  and  tbus  in  turn  to  tbe  rise  or lowering   to  tbe  cbanges  of  climate  and  eustatic  sea  level
               of  sea  level  and  productivity  as  explaineèl  earlier.   oscillations;  (2)  tbe  importance of deptb;  and  (3)
               It is  conceivable tbat tbe calcareous sand recovered   tbe  biologica!  factors.  Altbough  latera!  correlation
               in different  cores  collected at  tbe  same deptb  may   of  specific  units  bas  not  been  accomplisbed,  it  is
               be  of  tbe  same  age.  However,  it  bas  not  been  as-  nevertbeless  possible  to  distinguisb  dominant  pat-
               certained  tbat  tbe  beds  are  continuous  laterally   terns  of  sedimentation  in  eacb  of  tbe  major  en-
               and they may in fact  be related to severa!  different   vironments.  As  will  be recalled,  tbree main param-
               Pleistocene  eustatic  oscillations.             eters   contro!   sedimentation   in   any   given
                 We were  unable to correlate individuai layers or   environment:  pbysical,  cbemical,  and  biologica!.
               sequences  between  the  cores  collected  in  otber  en-  Witbin tbe first  group are  included such factors  as
               vironments,  even  within  tbe  small  deep  basins.   climate,  deptb,  temperature,  salinity,  current  sys-
               One  of  tbe  difficulties  in  tbe  case  of  tbe  neritic-  tems,  and boundary conditions of tbe environment
               batbyal  cores  is  tbeir  uniformity  and  lack  of  dis-  (geometry,  bathymetry,  and  geology,  among
               tinct  correlatable  borizons.  Furtbermore,  sapropel   otbers).
               sequences  wbicb  are  useful  for  correlation  pur-  The  Quaternary  sea  level  oscillations  related  to
               poses,  particularly  in  tbe  eastern  Mediterranean   major  climatic  cbanges  are  tbe  most  important
               (Ryan,  1972;  Maldonado  and  Stanley,  1975),  do   factors  that have determined the sedimentary proc-
               not occur in  the  Strait  proper.  Even  well-stratified   esses  in  tbe  sballow  water  platform  environment.
               basin  cores  in  specific  basins  could  not  be  corre-  As  demonstrated,  the  different  sediment  types  and
               lated on the basis of individuai turbiditic sequences   sequences  developed  bere  are  to  a  large  extent re-
               and  tephra  asb  layers.  Cores  KS  120,  KS  69,  and   lated directly  to deptb.  As  a  consequence  of deptb
               KS  118  (Figure  35),  and  CH  61-19  (Figure  33)   changes,  tbere  bave  been  alterations  in  current
               from  the  Linosa  Trough  are  particularly  inter-  patterns  and  intensity,  salinity  and  temperatures
               esting  in  this  respect,  for  ali  were  collected  at   wbich  inevitably  affected  tbe  vertical  evolution  of
               about the same deptb  (witbin less tban 40-m deptb   the  sediment  sequences  in  this  environment.  It  is
               difference)  along a  transect  about  20  km  in lengtb   apparent  that  the  shallow  platform  litbofacies
               across  tbe  basin  plain.  Altbougb  tbese  cores  are   would  be  considerably  more  uniform  bad  tbere
               similar  in  generai  appearance,  tbe  radiocarbon   been  no Quaternary oscillations.
               dates  (Figure  35)  indicate  that  correlation  eitber   Moreover,  the  sediment  types  in  the  neritic-
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