Page 65 - Maldonado_Stanley_1976
P. 65

58                                                SMITHSONIAN  CONTRIBUTIONS  TO  THE  EARTH  SCIENCES

                           TABLE 4.-Percent and  cumulative  percent  (in  parentheses)  of different  sediment  types  in  Strait
                           of Sicily cores  (percent  of bioturbated  section  of total  core  thickness  also  shown;  only  two  main
                           types  of  sediments  differentiated  in  shallow  platform  cores;  coarse  and  bioclastic  sand,  and
                           shallow  water  mud;  sand-silt  fraction  of  these  cores  attributed  to  either  one  type  or  another)
                          LY  II-3                  68/ (68)   16/(84)   1/(85)   lO/ (95)   5/ (100)   14
                          LY  II-4                 97/ (97)   3/ (100)                       100
                          LY  II-5                 98/ (98)   2/ (100)                        97
                          LY  II-SA                87/(87)   lO/ (97)   2/ (99)   l/ (100)    36
                          LY  II-6                 79/ (79)   14/ (93)   6/(99)   l/ (100)    60
                          LY  II-6A                97/(97)   3/ (100)                         98
                          LY  II-7                 62/ (62)   37/ (99)   l/ (100)
                          P6510-34                 66/ (66)   28/ (94)   4/ (98)   2/ (100)   18
                          P6510-33                  90/ (90)   7/ (97)   3/ (100)             lO
                          AS  6-8   32/ (32)   68/ (100)
                          AS  6-7   6/(6)   97/ (100)
                          SP  8-7   71/(71)   29/(100)
                          Vl4  138   50/(50)   50/ (100)
                          V14  139 (l)             60/(60)   35/ (95)   3/ (98)   2/ (100)
                          Vl4  140   100/ (100)
                          CH61  19(2)              79/ (79)   12/ (91)   1/(92)   l/ (93)   7/ (100)
                          KS  12    4/(4)          67/(71)   7/ (78)   21/ (99)   l/ (100)    67
                          KS  23 ( 3 )
                                                   86/ (86)   14/ (100)                       26
                          KS  33                   72/ (72)   22/ (94)   4/(98)   2/ (100)    26
                          KS  53                   96/ (96)   4/ (100)                        75
                          KS  69( 4 )
                                                   72/ (72)   19/ (91)   9/ (100)
                          KS  78                   97/ (97)   3/ (lOO)                       91
                          KS  100                  96/ (96)   4/ (100)                       92
                          KS  104                  96/ (96)   4/(100)                        94
                          KS  105                  95/ (95)   5/ (100)                       100
                          KS  110                  91/ (91)   9/ (100)                       (74)
                          KS  118 (S)
                                                   86/(86)   11/(97)   2/ (99)   1/(100)     43
                          KS  120 ( 6 )            82/ (82)   14/ (96)   3/ (99)   l/ (100)   14
                          KS  125                  97/ (97)   3/ (100)                       91

                          (l)  S1ump  sedilnent:  76  cm  (not  computed);   (2)  Ash:  22  cm  (not  computed);   (3)  Ash:  l  cm  (not  computed);
                          (4)  Ash:  39  cm  (not  computed);   (5)  Ash:  4  cm  (not  computed);   (6)  Ash:  28  cm  (not  computed).

               bathyal  environments and basin environment show   36A,  where  the  percent of the different  types  of de-
               a clear  correlation  with present  depth,  particularly   posits  in  each  core  are  plotted  against  depth  (cf.
               the  hemipelagic  mud  and  turbiditic  mud  types   Table 4).
               which  form  the  major  components  of  cores  in   Shallow  water  mud  and  coarse  calcareous  sand
               these  environments.  The dose  correlation  between   tend  to  be  restricted  to  depths  less  than  500  m.
               sediment  type  and  depth  is  illustrated  in  Figure   Core  KS  12  in  the  Strait  N arrows  does  no t  follow
   60   61   62   63   64   65   66   67   68   69   70