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Facies (2007) 53:389–400 399
The studied sequence ends with a decimetre-thick bed of Corsica: Peybernes et al. 1991; Sardinia: Carillat et al.
intraformational breccia (MF8), representing a transgres- 1999; and Tunisia: Kamoun et al. 1994) allow us to con-
sive surface. Wne the Punta Bassano’s sedimentation on the northern
margin of the Tethys Ocean, of the European crust
Conclusively, the depositional setting of the Punta Bas- between Corsica and Pyrenees. Before this study, Maret-
sano succession was a carbonate ramp with very low topo- timo Island was considered as located in the internal part
graphic relief and hence created extremely large of the Panormide carbonate platform, during the Late
homogeneous facies tracts. As shown above, the accommo- Triassic (Abate et al. 1978a, 1978b, 1982).
dation space created suYcient palaeobathymetry to gener- • These new results reWne the existing regional tectonic
ate more open higher hydrodynamic conditions by both model and indicate that Marettimo Island, which is con-
wave and tidal action. The increase of accommodation sidered as a single structural element, is a piece of the
space was probably initiated by subsidence, followed by southern margin of the European Plate displaced further
platform Xooding and hence transgression. Inversely, sea- to the detachment of the Corso-Sarde block and incorpo-
level falls could quickly isolate the ramp interiors reducing rated within the Egadi Archipelago.
the hydrodynamic energy levels, and creating widespread
lagoonal-peritidal restricted environments and fresh water Acknowledgments The authors wish to thank the reviewers (Prof.
circulation. A. Munnecke and an anonymous reviewer) for their very constructive
remarks, and express their sincere gratitude to Dr. S. Crasquin-Soleau
Conclusions (CNRS-Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France) for help with
the determination of the ostracods. We are grateful to J. Metzger (Uni-
The Upper Triassic Punta Bassano succession at Marettimo versity of Geneva) for the help in computer drafting. This work was
Island (Egadi Archipelago, Sicily) provides valuable sedi- Wnancially supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation.
mentological and palaeontological data for the interpreta-
tion of the depositional environment and to precise the References
palaeogeographic scenario.
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