Page 6 - Martini_al_Facies_2007
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394 Facies (2007) 53:389–400
rounded or subangular mud peloids and ostracods, heavily Fig. 5 Stratigraphic section of the Upper Triassic Punta Bassano ᭤
impregnated with iron oxides.
carbonate succession showing sample locations, biostratigraphically
The total organic matter content is very low and mostly diagnostic organisms and depositional systems
consisting of small particles of inertinite and fungal remains.
muddy laminae owing to desiccation and/or salinity varia-
Lithofacies type 5 tions (Fischer 1964; Martini et al. 1989; Carillat et al.
Along the Punta Bassano succession, 10 cm–1 m thick,
often discontinuous layers of intraformational breccias are Mudstone (MF1) and Wne-grained peloidal wackestone/
present showing Xat-lying clasts orientation. packstone (MF2) occur in lagoonal-peritidal environment.
The low biotic diversity of foraminifers and ostracods indi-
MF8 The microfacies is a rudstone characterised by a low cates high-stressed habitat in very shallow restricted areas,
percentage of carbonate matrix, often dolomitised, and where great Xuctuations in salinity and temperature proba-
angular limestone clasts (2–20 cm). The texture of clasts is bly occurred. Under such conditions, short-term exposures
quite homogeneous, represented by mudstone (MF1) and with evaporite precipitation may have taken place as testi-
laminated wackestone (MF4). Wed by corresponding mineral molds.
Lithofacies type 6 The bioclastic packstone (MF3) and the ostracod/peloi-
dal packstone to grainstone (MF5) are considered to have
Clayey marl and marl intervals, which vary in thickness originated as a storm deposit in the backshoal lagoon on the
from a few centimetres to several metres, are irregularly carbonate ramp. The main textural criteria to validate our
distributed along the succession (Fig. 5). interpretation is the presence of distinct diVerences in grain
sizes of these layers and of under- and overlying beds (i.e.
MF9 The dark grey clayey marls and marls, yellow to mudstones and wackestones) (Aigner 1985). These storm
ochre on the weathering surface, are characterised by poor layers are Xat-bedded, bioclast-dominated and coarse
and less diversiWed microfauna consisting of ostracods. grained. In MF3 redeposited, crinoids are present, which
Sporadically, thin-shelled bivalves occur. are derived from open-marine environments. The relative
abundance of lithoclasts (MF3), comprising distinctly
The total organic matter content is quite high and mostly microfacies, and rounded grains point to high-energy
represented by vitrinite, amorphosed phytoclasts, fungal events and erosion in a peritidal environment. The concen-
hyphae, cutinite (leaf remains) and less abundant inertinite. trations of mixed lagoonal and open inner-ramp marine
The percentage of sporomorphs varies from low within the biota together with abundant peloids reinforce the proposed
lowest clayey marls intervals to quite abundant upwards. depositional model.
The maximum is reached around 30 m where the spo-
romorph assemblage is dominated by circumpolles fre- The lumachelles microfacies (MF6) may originate from
quently in tetrad status. short-term events (Kidwell 1991). Based on the packing of
skeletal elements, which is mud-supported, the deposition
Facies interpretation takes place in an open-marine setting on a carbonate mid-
ramp. A low-energy environment below the wave base is
In the following discussion, the microfacies characterising proposed. The presence of coated bioclasts with micrite
the Punta Bassano succession are interpreted in terms of envelopes indicates that during the decline of storm inten-
palaeoenvironment. Their lateral distribution along a car- sity, the material coming from very shallow environments
bonate ramp is reconstructed, extending from a peritidal was transported by oVshore-directed bottom currents.
setting to a shallow subtidal zone passing over a high-
energy shoal facies (Fig. 4). In the Wne- to coarse-grained non-laminated packstone/
grainstone (MF7), restricted diversity of bioclasts (only
The laminated fenestral wackestone (MF4) can be inter- ostracods) and dominance of micritic peloids indicate depo-
preted as algal or microbial mat deposits related to upper sition in the inner ramp, perhaps peritidal, settings with
intertidal to supratidal environment of a tidal Xat (peritidal poor connection with the middle ramp. The absence of lam-
zone; Flügel 2004), swept by gentle tidal currents. Fenestral inations, evaporitic signature and of subaerial exposure
fabric results from grain bridging and/or gas bubble forma- may exclude deposition in evaporitic arid platform interi-
tion associated with decomposition of organic material. In ors, where this facies would also occur.
addition, most peloids of this facies are thought to have
been formed by shrinking of originally cryptalgal and In the Punta Bassano succession, peritidal intraforma-
tional breccias (MF8) are interpreted to have formed
by synsedimentary deposition of eroded carbonates proba-
bly related to storm events. However, the more thick and
discontinuous brecciated bodies may result from the