Page 4 - Martini_al_Facies_2007
P. 4

392 Facies (2007) 53:389–400

Fig. 3 Facies from the Carnian to Rhaetian Punta Bassano carbonate  grey limestone. c Beige to whitish laminated mudstone with fenestrae.
succession. a Gray homogeneous limestone medium to thickly bedded.  d Large fenestrate structures occurring towards the top of the succes-
b Abundant gypsum pseudomorphs on the weathering surface of the     sion

Lithofacies type 2                                                  MF4 Microbial laminated wackestone is the low-energy
                                                                    facies (Fig. 4). The laminae are composed of alternating
This lithofacies represents a well-stratiWed beige to whitish       layers of mudstone and very Wne-grained peloidal pack-
laminated mudstone with fenestral fabrics (Fig. 3c). These          stone, in places grainstone. Fenestrae are abundant and
beds, 2–20 cm thick, are generally intercalated to the homo-        often also include geopetal fabrics. The more thick laminae
geneous limestone (lithofacies type 1), at the top of the           contain Xattened ostracod shells and remnants of echino-
shallowing-upward cycles. The fenestrae are Xattened and            derms. Framboidal pyrite and bedding-parallel irregular
almost parallel to the bedding and to the undulate millime-         microstylolites are also observed.
tre laminae. Towards the top of the succession, the voids
size increases, up to 5 mm (Fig. 3d). The laminated struc-          MF5 Ostracod/peloidal packstone to grainstone is the
tures are sometimes discontinuous, interrupted by trough            more high-energy facies (Fig. 4). These are made up of
stratiWcation underlined by mud drapes.                             alternating layers of almost exclusively double-valved
                                                                    ostracods, lying parallel to the stratiWcation, and of dense
   Two energy-controlled microfacies, normally alternated,          micritic peloids of variable size. Other bioclastic grains are
have been recognised.

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