Page 2 - Ragg_et_al-1999-Tectonics
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670                                      RAGG ET AL.' TECTONIC STRESS IN SICILY

                            ADVENTURE                    SEA                                                      ++ +
                                PLATEAU                                                                                ++
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                                                                                   ++         +++
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                                         MAGHREBIAN ARC

                                         CALTANISSETFA                                                                                      IONIAN SEA

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PELAGIANB.LOCK                                                                         MALTA                                                 9

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Figure1. Structuraml apof Sicilywithlocationof wells.Legend1: , crystallinneappeosf theCalabrianArc'
2, late Miocene-Pleistocenoerogenicforedeepdepositsof the CaltanissettaBasin,later deformedinto the

GelaNappe,andMiocene-Pleistocedneepositosf westernSicilyandtheCalabrianforearcbasins3; , deformed
MaghrebianArc units;4, deformedcarbonatuenitsof the Africanpaleomargin5;, Undeformedforeland
carbonateasndvolcanicsof the HybleanPlateau;6, Plio-Pleistocenterrigenoussedimentfsilling the
Catania-Gelaforedeepand perityrrhenianbasinsof southernCalabria;7, late Miocene-Pleistocenveolcanics

of thenorthernHybleanPlateauandMountEtna;8, submergefdrontof theCalabrianArc (externaCl alabrian
Arc (ECA));9, mainthrustfrontson Sicilymainlands, outhernCalabriaandoffshore1; 0,isobaths1; 1, main

normaflaults;12,mainwrenchfaults;13,locationof analizedwells:well1, Cassibilew;ell2, CapoNegro;
well3, Bimmiscaw; ell4, CozzoScalia;well 5, Carrubow; ell 6, SanBartolo;well 7, VittoriaOvest;well 8,
Biddinew; ell9, ContradaUlmo;well 10,Margi;well 11,Ursitto;well 12,Settefarinew;ell 13,Manfria;well
14,Angelo;well 15,Ramaccaw; ell 16,Simeto;well 17, Dittaino;well 18,Chiesaw; ell 19,Menfi; well 20,
Triglia;well21, Mozia;well 22, Corvi.ETF,Egadithrustfront;AF, AdventurfeoredeepA;TF, Adventure

thrust front.

Neogenecollisionalprocessaffecting the African-European         The Gela-Catania Foredeep consists of two distinct
convergentbelt (Figure 1). The Hyblean Plateauconsistsof a   segmentswhich formed roughly contemporaneouslyduring
successionof up to more than 6 km of carbonate rocks         the late Pliocene.Close to the margin of the Hyblean Plateau
[Patacca et al., 1979; Bianchi et al., 1989] and minor marl  the northeasternsegmentof the foredeepconsistsof a large
                                                             basin, the Catania Plain. The subsidencehistory of the
levels with interleaved mafic volcanics at several distinct  northern margin of the Hyblean Plateau demonstratesthat a
                                                             peripheralbulgewasformedduringthe late Mioceneandearly
intervalsrangingin age from late Triassicto Quaternary(see   Pliocene[Pedleyand Grasso,1991;1992]. It is expressebdy
stratigraphidcetailson well logsof Figures4-6). The Hyblean  a regionalmassiveuplift followed by a broad erosionalevent
forelanddeepenstowardthenorthandnorthwestto a foredeep
by a systemof NE-SW trendingfaults(Figure1).
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