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[Cogan et al., 1989; Yellin-Dror et al., 1997]. The uplift     from the similarities in the stratigraphiccolumns (Figure 1,
could be explainedas the result of the compressionarlegime     see stratigraphic detail on the well logs of Figure 8). Its
causedby the continuing collision of the African foreland      crustalstructureis probablyalso different from that of the rest
with Europeanunits (e.g. the CalabrianArc; seeFigure 1). The   of the African plate margin (the Pelagian Block) as arguedby
uplift of the bulged area associatedwith mafic volcanism       Ben-Avraharn and Grasso [1990]. The Adventure Plateau is
occurredprior to and during the rapid tectonic subsidence      more deformed by a thin-skinnedthrusting [Catalano et al.,
which followed from middle Pliocene onwards [Grasso and         1985] than the Hyblean sector. On a regional scale it lies on
Ben-Avraharn, 1992; Schrnincke et al., 1997]. The              the footwall of a wider structure whose hanging wall is
                                                               representedby the frontal zone of an inner orogenicsegment,
southwesternsegment of the foredeep is flanked by NE           the Egadi Thrust Belt (ETF; see Figure 1). The migration of
trending faults which transect the western margin of the       the orogenic system occurs from the northwest to the
HybleanPlateau(Figure 1). Thesefaults separatethe Hyblean      southeast progressively involving foreland areas. The
Plateau from areas to the west where flexural downbending      Adventure shelf thust belt passesto the east, in the Strait of
developsallowingunderthrustingof the African crustbeneath      Sicily, to a late Miocene-Pliocene foredeep [Argnani et al.,
the Maghrebianthrustbelt [Grassoand Reuther,1988; Grasso        1989; Antonelli et al., 1992].
et al., 1990].
                                                                   The Gela Nappe consists of a thrust wedge which has
   In the easternoffshore, the Hyblean foreland is terminated  migrated to the SSE with a regional vergence toward the
by the Malta Escarpment, one of the most prominent             forelandduring Neogene times [Butler et al., 1992; Grassoet
physiographicfeatures of the central Mediterranean.The         al., 1995]. In SE Sicily it representsthe latest compressional
scarp,with a regionaldip of -30 ø, is formedby a setof NNW     episodeat the front of the Maghrebian thrust belt. The Gela
trending faults, most of them being recent and seismically     thrustwedgeliesjust aheadof a thruststack,the Mount Judica
active [Amaro et al., 1995; Torelli et al., 1998]. The scarp   imbricates [Bianchi et al., 1989], made of Triassic to Miocene
separatesthe Hyblean-Malta continentalshelf, of which the      carbonateand marl deposits (see Figure 1 for location and
HybleanPlateauis the emergedpart, from the Ionian Abyssal      Figure 7 for stratigraphy).The deformationof the Gela Nappe
Plain, which largely consistsof oceaniccrust [Ben-Avraharn     involves late Miocene to early Pleistocene sediments
et al., 1995].                                                 depositedon the outer edge of the Caltanissettaforelandbasin
                                                               (Figure 1). The front of the Gela Nappe can be traced for
2.2. The Pantelleria  Rift and the Western                     severalkilometers offshore southernSicily [Antonelli et al.,
Hyblean Margin
                                                                  The MaghrebianArc is composedof tectonicunits thrusted
   Horizontal movements govern the evolution of NW-SE          onto the African foreland becauseof the Neogene collision
trending pull-apart grabens (Malta, Linosa, and Pantelleria    betweenthe African foreland and buoyant continentalcrustal
basins) forming the Pantelleria Rift System. The grabensof
the rift systemsubsidedabout 2 km in the last 1 Myr, with a    units north of it. These latter units form the Calabrian Arc
horizontal displacementof 1 mm/yr along the master fault
[Reuther and Eisbacher, 1985]. The present graben              which extends offshore northern Sicily into the Tyrrhenian
configurationin the Strait of Sicily indicatesa compositeof    Sea (Figure 1). The Maghrebian thrust belt was thus formed
pull-apart and transfer basins [Jongsrna et al., 1985]
controlledby E-W dextralstrike-slipfaultsand NW-SE normal      between the African foreland and the Calabrian Arc. The suture
faults. The resulting overall extension due to the incipient
crustalstretchingis directedNE [Reutheret al., 1993; Gardiner  zone between the crustal units of the Calabrian Arc and those
et al., 1995 ].
                                                               of the African forelandis not yet located.
   The crustalthicknessdecreasesfrom 35 km below SE Sicily
                                                               3. BreakoutAnalysisand Data Acquisition
to about 20 km below the island of Pantelleria. The active NE
                                                                  Boreholebreakoutanalysishas becomea widely used
orientedspreadingof the PantelleriaRift Systemhasled to the    methodto determinteheorientationof themaximumprincipal
activationof NE-NNE trendingtransferfaults which form a 30     horizontalstress(SHmax) [Bell and Gough,1979; Zobacket
km large dextral shearzone along the westernmargin of the      al., 1985]. A breakoutarisesowing to stressconcentrationat
Hyblean-Malta Plateau [Ghisetti and Vezzani, 1981; Grasso      the boreholewall causedby an anisotropichorizontalstress
and Reuther,1988]. Major structureswithin the fault zone are   field. If the stressconcentratioenxceedsthe rock strength,
the Scicli, Comiso, and Acate faults. This shear zone starts   therockfails andbreakoutsform at an angleof 90ø to SHmax.

from the southern end of the rift area and connects the        It is assumed that in the drillable crustal sections the vertical

PantelleriaRift with the northeasternend of the Maghrebian     stresscorrespondingto the weight of the overburdenis a
thrust belt. Its activity started contemporaneouslywith the    principalstress.This assumptionis justified by Zobacket al.
rifting in the Strait of Sicily about 5 Myr ago [Reuther and   [1989], who showthat the majority of crustalearthquakes
Eisbacher, 1985].
                                                               have P or T axes within 10ø-15 ø from the horizontal or
2.3. The Orogenic Belt: Gela Nappe, Maghrebian,                vertical.

and Calabrian Arcs                                                The boreholebreakoutsof this study are recordedwith a
                                                               four-armdipmeter(caliper),a standardloggingtool usedin the
   The AdventurePlateauis locatedsouthof the westerntip of     oil exploration.The caliperarmsmeasuretwo perpendicular
Sicily and may have the geometryof the plate boundaryin        diametersof the borehole and their orientation.At depth
this region:sameorigin as the Hyblean-MaltaPlateaujudging      intervals where borehole breakouts occur, the two diameter
                                                               recordingswill be different:one will be closeto the original
                                                               boreholediameter(bit size), andthe otherone will be larger
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