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06 133-20 06(209-222)  25-06-2007  14:24  Pagina 210

              210                                          G. LAVECCHIA ET ALII

                                1. INTRODUCTION                     Sicilian crust and emerging at the outer front of the Sicil-
                                                                    ian thrust system, along the Sciacca-Catania belt.
                 The Apennine-Maghrebian fold-and-thrust belt sys-     In this paper, we present a contribution to this discus-
              tem extends with continuity from the Po Plain-Adriatic  sion focusing attention on the kinematics and the distribu-
              region to southern Sicily (fig. 1a). It developed since late  tion of the historical and instrumental seismicity located in
              Oligocene times through the progressive nucleation of  the areas to the rear of the Pescara-Pesaro segment of the
              inward-dipping crustal slices thrust over the Adriatic-  Po Plain-Adriatic front and of the Sciacca-Catania segment
              Pelagian foreland (LAVECCHIA, 1988). According to sev-  of the Sicilian front. In particular, we will investigate if the
              eral authors, the entire belt ended its activity in early  major earthquakes may be linked to reverse shearing along
              Pleistocene times (PATACCA et alii, 1990; BUTLER et alii,  two crust-scale basal thrusts, here respectively called Adria-
              1992; LICKORISH et alii, 1999; DI BUCCI & MAZZOLI, 2002;  tic Basal Thrust (ABT) and Sicilian Basal Thrust (SBT).
              PATACCA & SCANDONE, 2004), but according to some oth-  With this aim we will reconstruct the ABT and SBT three-
              ers it is still undergoing compression, at least in eastern-  dimensional shape; we will compile an updated and inte-
              central Italy and in Sicily. In particular, on the basis of  grated dataset of all the major events that occurred within
              the combined analysis of historical, seismological and  the two study areas during the last two thousands years
              geomorphologic data, VANNOLI et alii (2004) outlined a  and, through the analysis of the associated macroseismic
              rather regularly segmented active fault system running  fields, we will define likely depth ranges of the seismogenic
              parallel to the shoreline from Ancona to Rimini (NW-SE),  sources. By comparing the 3-D shape of the basal thrusts
              made up of blind thrusts accompanied by anticlinal    with the kinematics and with the surface and depth distrib-
              growth. MONTONE et alii (2004), through the analysis of  ution of the overlying earthquakes, we will define the
              borehole breakouts, showed that the maximum horizon-  boundaries of homogeneous seismogenic provinces. After
              tal stress is generally perpendicular to the strike of the  verifying the completeness of the seismological dataset, we
              shallow (0-6 km depth) middle Pliocene to Quaternary  will also try to compute and quantitatively compare the
              thrust structures of the Po Plain and Coastal-Adriatic  energy release in the two study areas.
              domain. On the basis of the analysis of instrumental seis-
              mological data, several authors considered that this
              domain is undergoing active compression (FREPOLI &             2. THE ABT AND SBT BASAL THRUSTS
              AMATO, 1997 among many others). In fact, earthquake
              focal mechanisms show a predominance of thrust and       The ABT overthrusts the Umbria-Marche meso-ceno-
              strike-slip solutions with P-axes generally perpendicular  zoic sedimentary cover and the overlying Plio-Pleistocene
              to the trend of the outer thrust system (PONDRELLI et alii,  foredeep terrains above the Adriatic foreland. It emerges
              2004). LAVECCHIA et alii (2003) identified an individual,  with an eastward convex shape along the Pesaro-Adriatic
              regional scale structure, responsible for such seismicity in  Sea-Pescara front and deepens westward, cutting through
              the outermost westward-dipping thrust plane of the Apen-  the entire crust and reaching its base beneath the Umbria
              nine fold-and-thrust belt, which emerges along the Po  region (BARCHI et alii, 1998; FINETTI et alii, 2001; LAVEC-
              Plain-Adriatic front.                                 CHIA et alii, 2003). The SBT overthrusts terrains pertaining
                 In Sicily, BOUSQUET & LANZAFAME (1986) were the    to the Sciacca-Saccense tectonic unit and to the Gela-
              first to document Quaternary E-W contractional deforma-  Catania early-middle Pleistocene foredeep deposits above
              tion, at the external limit of the thrust belt in eastern  the Pelagian-Hyblean foreland (GHISETTI & VEZZANI,
              Sicily. MONACO et alii (1996), based on seismological,  1984; CATALANO et alii, 1989; BUTLER et alii, 1992;
              structural and morphotectonic observations, suggested  TORELLI et alii, 1998). It emerges with a southward convex
              Late Quaternary activity of the Sciacca thrust, an inner  shape along the Sciacca-Gela-Catania front and deepens
              splay of the outer basal thrust. LANZAFAME et alii (1997)  northward, not only cutting upper crust Plio-Pleistocene
              documented field evidence of Late Pleistocene-Holocene  sediments, but also mid-crust and lower crust levels as
              N-S compression in the Etna area, with a shortening of a  imaged by recent seismic profiles (FINETTI et alii, 2005b).
              few kilometres. TORELLI et alii (1998) recognised, in a  The ABT and SBT are very similar in size and 3-D shape.
              seismic line across the Catania foredeep, a clear incipient  This is well highlighted in fig. 2 by the geometry of their
              northward-dipping reverse shearing, which cuts obliquely  depth-contour lines, which we have schematically recon-
              through the Pleistocene sediments. CARBONE et alii (2000)  structed through the use of a large number of regional
              pointed out geomorphologic evidence of reactivation of  geological and seismic cross-sections sections available in
              out of sequence thrusts beneath Etna and in the Nebrodi  the literature (fig. 1b-1c and references therein). In central
              area. Furthermore, CATALANO et alii (2004 and 2006)   Italy, the isobaths have an arched shape that substantially
              showed evidence of Late Quaternary tectonic inversion of  follows the surface ABT trajectory. They are more closely
              the northern border faults of the Scordia-Lentini Plei-  spaced near the northern and southern ends and, on aver-
              stocene graben, at the front of the Gela-Catania thrust  age, dip about 20° westward reaching a depth of about
              plane, with formation of post 40 ka E-W trending folds.  30 km beneath the Apennine mountain chain. In Sicily,
              COCINA et alii (1997) and NERI et alii (2005) documented  also, the isobaths have an arched shape that substantially
              N-S compressional seismogenic activity at depths      follows the surface SBT trajectory; they are more closely
              between 10 and 30 km in eastern Sicily, beneath the Etna  spaced near the western and eastern concavity and more
              volcanic area, whereas CACCAMO et alii (1997) and JENNY  distant in the central sector. This feature reflects the SBT
              et alii (2006) recognise N-S seismogenic compression in  dip-attitude, which is steeper in proximity to the Mazara-
              western and central Sicily. LAVECCHIA et alii (2006) iden-  Sciacca and Gela-Catania areas, and flatter in the Agri-
              tified an individual, regional scale structure, possibly  gento-Canicattì-Licata area. On average, the SBT dips
              responsible for such a compressional seismicity, in a Plio-  about 25° northward reaching a depth of about 30 km
              Quaternary north-dipping thrust zone cutting the entire  beneath the northern coast of Sicily.
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