Page 5 - Seismogenic_evidence_2007
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                  Good agreement may be also observed between the      12°E  1672    1875 1786 1916 May  14°E
              active deformation pattern from focal mechanisms and   44°N                  1916 Aug  Pesaro,
                                                                                                    2000           44°N
              that deduced from the borehole breakouts sited in the  Montegrimano                             Ancona
                                                                       2000          PS         1924
              areas above the shallower portions of the ABT and SBT
              (MONTONE et alii, 2004).                                          U U  Urbino       1930
                  From two regional seismic catalogues available on  Montefeltro  1897         AN  1269       sequence, 1972
              line (Catalogo della Sismicità Italiana 1981-2002 in         Northern  U               1690
                                                                          Marche, 1991
              CASTELLO et alii, 2005 and BOLLETTINO SISMICO ITALIA-                 U                 56 B.C.
                                                                        0  km  40     U     MC
              NO, 2003-2005), we extracted the events with Ml≥3.0                 1741  Camerino
              which occurred within the ABT and SBT surface areas     Source depth range and
                                                                     seismotectonic assignation  1799
              (grey areas in fig. 2), at depths <40 km, in the period  of the major earthquakes  1873              43°N
              1981-2005. The earthquakes sited beneath the Etna vol-   “Shallow” source (< 10 km),  100 B.C.      P.S.Giorgio sequence, 1987
              canic area at depth <10 km, were excluded from the       Compressional Province  1943
              dataset, given that they would be most likely linked with  “Deep” source (10-30 km),  TE
              the volcanic dynamics rather than with the regional tec-  Compressional Province      Atri  PE  Southern
              tonic process (CASTELLANO et alii, 1997; AZZARO, 1999;   Shallow source (< 10-15 km),  1950  Marche, 1995
                                                                       Extensional Province  1461       CH
              PATANE & PRIVITERA, 2001; MONACO et alii, 2005) that we  Uncertain depth
                                                                                                    U U
              are investigating in this paper. The ABT dataset consists  U  and/or seismotectonic  1762  15 km 10 km 5km  a
                                                                       assignation    13°E   30 km 25 km
              of about 60 events with 3.0≤Ml≤5.0 within an area of
                                                                                                 20 km
                                                                                              Historical seismicityseismicity
              ~14500 km ; the SBT dataset consists of about 130 events   Instrumental         Historical
                                                                         Instrumental seismicityseismicity
                                                                                                360 B.C.-1980360 B.C.-1980
              with 3.0≤Ml≤4.6, within an area of ~16200 km . Above the    Local Magnitude (M l)  Magnitude moment (Maw or Mw)  Ancona 1972
              ABT, 40% of the selected events is sited at depths less                                          Belice 1968
              than 10 km and 50% between 10 and 30 km; above the      3.01-3.5  3.51-4.0 4.01-4.49 4.5-4.9  4.5-4.9  5.0-5.4 5.5-5.9  6.0-6.6
              SBT, 20% of events occur at depth less than of 10 km and          13°E          14°E           15°E
              80% between 10 and 30 km.                               Belice sequence,1968
                  In eastern-central Italy and in north-eastern Sicily                                        Etna,1995
                                                                                       Caltanissetta,  Nebrodi  Maletto,
              good quality microseimic data (M l <4.5) registered by                     1995     1992  1987       ME
              local networks are also available (MONACHESI et alii,                  PA
              2004; NERI et alii, 2005). The event depth distribution    TP
                                                                                                                    30 km
                                                                          Calatafimi                                30 km
              shows an inward deepening of the seismogenic source,                                            U    25 km
                                                                                                                   25 km
              down to a depth of about 30 km, which follows well the    Marsala    1968             Troina         20 km
                                                                                                                   20 km
                                                                                                                  15 km
                                                                                                                  15 km
              westward deepening of the ABT and the northward deep-                         U     EN              10 km
                                                                                                                  10 km
              ening of the SBT. This geometry is highlighted in fig. 3,                             Raddusa       5km
                                                                                                                  5 km
                                                                                  Sciacca  361  CL              CT
              where selected hypocenters (see source of data in the                                        U     1818
                                                                     Mazara del Vallo,       Canicattì
              figure caption) have been projected along the traces of   1981                          Mineo
                                                                                         AG      Caltagirone  1624
              two interpretive crust-scale sections, one drawn along the  Mt. Etna detail
              trace of the DSS profile 1978 (after LAVECCHIA et alii,                           Gela               37°N
              2003) and the other across the Etna volcanic edifice. This
              latter section has been reconstructed integrating surface
              data with speculative interpretation of deep crust sections
              available in the literature such as the land side extension
              of the CROP M26 seismological profile (FINETTI et alii,    ,                   14°E  0  km  40  15°E  b
              2005b), the Castel di Tusa-Caltanissetta-Hyblean plateau         10 km
              Fig. 2 - Epicentre distribution of historical and instrumental earthquakes (depth <40 km) within the areas above the 0-to-30 km depth-con-
              tour lines (dotted lines) of the Adriatic Basal Thrust (a) and of the Sicilian Basal Thrust (b). The maps are in Italy Lambert Conformal Conic
              projection. The shape of the depth-contour lines is based on the critical review and re-interpretation of the regional sections whose traces are
              given in fig. 1b and c. The instrumental data are extracted from the CSI 1981-2002 seismic catalogue in (CASTELLO et alii, 2005) and from the
              BOLLETTINO SISMICO ITALIANO, 2003-05, assuming Ml>3.0, GAP<200°, ErrH and ErrZ<4 km, RMS<0.8 s, phase readings >8 and depth <40
              km. The historical earthquakes are mainly extracted from the CPTI04 parametric catalogue (WORKING GROUP CPTI, 2004) with integration
              from other catalogues and detailed papers (see tabs. 2a and 2b and reference therein). The different epicentral colours of the major (Maw
              ≥4.5) earthquakes represent the inferred depth range of the associated seismogenic source and the proposed seismotectonic assignation.
              Focal mechanisms refer to major (magnitude moment ≥4.0) earthquakes since 1968 (parametric data and references are given in tab. 1). The
              inset in fig. 2b shows a selection of focal mechanisms computed by NERI et alii (2005) for microseismic events (2.2≤Ml≤3.7) recorded in the
              period 1988-2001 at depth >10 km beneath the Etna volcano; the arrows represent the average compressional stress axis computed by NERI
              et alii (2005) from the focal mechanism stress inversion.
              – Distribuzione epicentrale della sismicità storica e strumentale localizzata a profondità <40 km nell’area compresa tra le isobate 0-30 km (linee
              tratteggiate) dei sovrascorrimenti basali adriatico (a) e siciliano (b). La proiezione delle mappe è nella rappresentazione conica conforme di Lam-
              bert. La ricostruzione dell’andamento delle isobate è basata sulla revisione critica delle sezioni regionali le cui tracce sono riportate in fig. 1 b e c. I
              dati strumentali sono stati estratti dal catalogo sismico CSI (CASTELLO et alii, 2005) per l’intervallo 1981-2002 e dal Bollettino Sismico Italiano
              per l’intervallo 2003-05, assumendo Ml>3.0, GAP<200°, ErrH e ErrZ<4 km, RMS<0.8 s, numero di fasi >8 e profondità ipocentrale <40 km. I ter-
              remoti storici derivano principalmente dal catalogo parametrico CPTI04 (WORKING GROUP CPTI, 2004) con integrazioni (vedi il testo e riferimen-
              ti bibliografici associati) nelle tabb. 2a e 2b). Gli epicentri dei terremoti maggiori (M aw ≥4.5) sono stati colorati diversamente a seconda della ipo-
              tizzata profondità della sorgente sismogenetica e della proposta provincia sismotettonica di appartenza. I meccanismi focali si riferiscono ai
              maggiori terremoti (magnitudo momento ≥4.0) a partire dal 1968 (i parametri focali e la bibliografia sono dati in tab. 1). Il riquadro in basso a
              sinistra mostra una selezione di meccanismi focali elaborati da NERI et alii (2005) relativamente alla microsismicità (Ml tra 2.2 e 3.7) registrata
              nel periodo 1988-2001 nell’area del Mt. Etna, a profondità >10 km; le frecce rappresentano l’orientazione media dell’asse dello sforzo di massima
              compressione associato calcolato dagli stessi autori sulla base dell’inversione dei meccanismi focali.
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