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S. Todaro et al. / Sedimentary Geology 333 (2016) 70–83           71
          petrography and stable-isotope analyses, this study highlights the inter-  thrust belt is well exposed (Fig. 1A, B). The San Vito Peninsula consists of
          play between bioturbation, mixing-water dissolution and relative sea-  an imbricate fan of thrust sheets that were stacked during late Miocene
          level fluctuations as the principal controlling factors in the formation  and Pliocene (Abate et al., 1991). The thrust system is in turn displaced
          of the spongy-like pattern                           by NW–SE and NE–SW trending normal and strike-slip faults of Plio-
                                                               cene and Pleistocene ages that are related to the evolution of the south-
          2. Geological Setting                                ern Tyrrhenian margin (Giunta et al., 2000). The stratigraphy of the
                                                               structural units in the San Vito Lo Capo Peninsula consists of thick
            The study area is located in the San Vito lo Capo Peninsula, the north-  successions, up to 1000 m, of peritidal carbonates, Late Triassic–earliest
          westernmost part of Sicily, where a segment of the Maghrebian fold and  Jurassic in age, that are overlain by Middle Jurassic to Eocene slope and

                                               B               Legend                D
                                                               D   Plio-Pleistocene deposits
                                                               -   Tortonian-Messinian deposits
                                                               D   Numidian Flysch Units
                                                               fi='T9  Maghrebian Meso-Cenozoic
                                                               ~ Units
                                                               ........_ main thrusts
                                                               -=:!::.-. main strike slip faults
                                                               *  studied locality

                                      Golfo del Cofano

                                                                    Golfo di
                                                                     l   mare



                ·•·•·•·   Detrital cover          D     Sciacca Formation (Upper Triassic)
               D     Ellipsactinia Limestone (Upper Jurassic)
                                                   """   Faults                      = Stromatolites   Paleosols
               D     Rosso Ammonitico (Middle Jurassic)
                                                   D    Studied locality             &)  Megalodonts   ~ Collapsed breccias
                                                                                     @  Corals
                •    lnici Formation (Lower Jurassic)

          Fig. 1. Geological setting of the studied area. A) The San Vito Lo Capo Peninsula (black rectangle) in a schematic structural map of Sicily. B) Structural setting of the San Vito Lo Capo
          Peninsula showing the location of the Monte Sparagio structural unit: asterisk indicates the studied locality. C) Geological map of the northern slope of Monte Sparagio. D) Columnar
          section of the succession of Monte Sparagio.
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