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Sedimentary Geology 333 (2016) 70–83

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        Spongy-like porosity in peritidal carbonates: An interaction of cyclic
        sea-level oscillations, fresh water supply and sediment texture

        S. Todaro ⁎, C. Hollis , P. Di Stefano  a
         Department of Earth and Marine Sciences, University of Palermo, Via Archirafi 22, Palermo, Italy
         School of Earth, Environmental and Atmospheric Science, University of Manchester, Manchester M13 9PL, United Kingdom
        article      i nfo               abstract

        Article history:                 This paper focuses upon the analysis of a complex paleokarstic system recorded within uppermost Triassic
        Received 21 September 2015       peritidal cycles in northwestern Sicily. Besides documenting spectacular karstification at the Triassic/Jurassic
        Received in revised form 10 December 2015
                                         boundary, it provides an example of stratabound ‘spongy’ or ‘swiss-cheese’ dissolution. On the base of field ob-
        Accepted 11 December 2015        servations, microfacies analysis, transmitted-light and cathodoluminescence petrography and stable-isotope
        Available online 23 December 2015
                                         analyses we put forward an original model for the formation of this peculiar stratabound dissolution. It implies
                                         a complex interaction of several controlling factors at the interface between the marine and meteoric diagenetic
        Editor: B. Jones
                                         realms during the relative cyclic oscillations of sea-level.
        Keywords:                        The presence of a fresh water supply from an adjacent emerged area is the key for the periodic formation of a
        Carbonate platform               mixing water lens during the relative sea level lowstand that brought about the subaerial exposure of the plat-
        Diagenesis                       form. The resulting dissolution pattern in the subtidal unit of a specific cycle is strongly controlled by the textural
        Stratabound dissolution          features of the sediments. In the case of bioturbated wackestones the ‘spongy’ or ‘swiss-cheese’ pattern develops,
        Spongy-like pattern              while in mollusk-rich beds biomoldic porosity occurs. In well-sorted subtidal members, such as algal grainstones,
        Triassic                         the dissolution originates as randomly distributed vuggy porosity. During periodic flooding of the platform, a new
                                         subtidal unit is formed and the dissolution stops as fully marine phreatic conditions are re-established.
                                                                                      © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

        1. Introduction                                      dissolution pattern. The morphological comparison between swiss-
                                                             cheese and spongy-like cavities seems appropriate. The latter authors
          Dissolution processes in modern and ancient carbonate platforms  favor dissolution from the formation of a marine-meteoric mixing
        are very variable in shape and size as a result of different forcing factors  zone. Moreover, the presence of CO 2 from bacterial sulfate reduction
        (James and Choquette, 1988). Climate, sea-level fluctuations, texture,  and/or root action can increase the water's potential for dissolution
        diagenetic features and tectonism, are among the most important con-  (Back et al., 1986; Smart et al., 1988; Walter and Burton, 1990).
        trolling factors in the generation of different scales of dissolution from  Bioturbation may also facilitate dissolution; several authors have de-
        microkarstic cavities to giant blue-holes (Esteban and Klappa, 1983;  scribed traces of bioturbation expressed by tunnels, vugs and channels
        Mylroie and Carew, 1995; Whitaker and Smart, 1998; Moore, 2001;  in modern (e.g. Beach, 1995) and Mesozoic carbonate limestones
        Smart et al., 2006).                                 (Droser and O'connell, 1992; Lehmann, 1974; Scheweigert et al., 1997;
          The literature contains numerous examples of dissolution features in  Tonkin et al., 2010, among others). Bioturbators create their burrows,
        modern (Smart et al., 1988; Beach, 1995) and ancient carbonate plat-  which can have widely varying dimensions, in sub-lithified muddy ho-
        forms (Choquette and Pray, 1970; James and Choquette, 1988; Christ  rizons. Burrows also have a distinct shape and are generally filled by
        et al., 2012 and references therein). However, one of the features that  sediments and microcrystalline calcite. These networks appear to form
        are less discussed is a particular type of porosity named “swiss-cheese”  a template for subsequent diagenetic modification and can therefore
        solution, which results in stratabound, centimeter-sized, rounded cavi-  have an important impact on hydrocarbon charge and productivity in
        ties forming a complex pore network (Back et al., 1986). Baceta et al.  oil and gas fields (e.g. Hollis, 2011).
        (2001, 2007) described a similar type of porosity from upper Danian  The aim of this paper is to analyze an intense, stratabound dissolu-
        platform limestones in the western Pyrenees, Spain, as a “spongy-like”  tion that affects the uppermost Triassic peritidal cycles cropping out in
                                                             northwestern Sicily (Italy), with the purpose of contributing to the dis-
                                                             cussion on the processes that leads to the particular dissolution mor-
         ⁎ Corresponding author.
          E-mail addresses: (S. Todaro),  phology hereafter named “spongy-like”. Based on field observations,
        (C. Hollis), (P. Di Stefano).  microfacies analysis, transmitted-light and cathodoluminescence
        0037-0738/© 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
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