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Mantura cylindrica Miller, 1880

Chorotype- SEU
Host plants - CIS (Helianthemum), PLG (Rumex, Polygonum)
Trophic category- POL

Notes. Very rare species in Italy, recorded only generically from Sicily (Biondi 1990).

Mantura lutea (Allard, 1859)

Chorotype - WME
Host plants - PLG (Rumex) (Leonardi pers. comm.)
Trophic category - MON?

Notes. Uncommon species in ltaly, recorded only generically for Sicil y (Biondi 1990).

Mantura mathewsi (Stephens, 1832)

Chorotype - EUR
Host plants - CIS (Helianthemum)
Trophic category - MON
New records- Messina: Monti Peloritani: dint. Portella Rizzo, l 100m, 15.VI.l991, Leg. Angelini F.;
Monti Peloritani: Monte Antennammare, 30.X.2009, Leg. Baviera C.

Notes. Uncommon species in Italy, recorded for Sicily from Messina (Luigionj 1929) and
Peloritani Mounts (Biondi 1988, 2006).

Mantura pallidicornis (Waltl 1839)

=Mantura obtusata (Gyllenhal, 1813) sensu auctorum

Chorotype - EUR
Host plants - PLG (Rumex)
Trophic category - MON
New records - Messina: Monti Peloritani: dint. Portella Rizzo, l 100m, 15.VI.l991, Leg. Angelini F.;
Monti Peloritani: Monte Antennammare, 30.X.2009, Leg. Baviera C.

Notes. Uncommon but widespecies in Italy, recorded only generically from Sicily (Biondi

Mniophila Stephens, 1831

Mniophila muscorum (Koch, 1803)

Chorotype - EUR
Host plants - Brachytheciaceae (and other families of mosses)
Trophic category - OLI
New records- Messina: Monti Nebrodi: San Fratello, in trappola a caduta, 09.IX.2004- 13.X.2005,
Leg. Baviera C.

Notes. Genus and species new for the Sicilian flea beetle fauna. Mniophila muscorum has
reduced hlnd wings that limit their dispersa} ability. Recent observations revealed that it is
most likely an external feeder only on mosses which occur in deciduous and mixed forests
(Nadein 2009). The most southem reports of this genus in Palaeartic Region were until
now from the Aspromonte Massif (Monte Fistocchio, Sant'Eufemia d' Aspromonte)(Biondi
2006; Nadein 2009).

                             Atti Accad. Pelorit. Pericol. Cl. Sci. Fis. Mat. Nat., Vol. 93, No. 2, A2 (2015) [50 pages]
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