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Longitarsus rectilineatus (Foudras, 1860)

Chorotype - TEM
Host plants - LAM, THY (Daphne laureola)
Trophic category- POL
New records - Messina: Monti Peloritani: Pizzo Chiarino, 23.III.2010, on D. !aureola, Leg. Baviera
C.; Lido Spiaggia d 'oro, 23.III.2010, Leg. Baviera C.

Notes. Species not recorded before for Sicily. L. rectilineatus was collected in Peloritani
Mounts on Daphne !aureola together with L. laureolae, while the specimens from Mortelle
were collected in a sandy dune habitat only with very few Larniaceae, such as Calamintha
nepeta and very rare plants of Origanum vulgare.

Longitarsus scaphidioides Abeille, 1896

Chorotype- NAF
Host plants- PLA (Plantago)
Trophic category - MON
New records- Palermo: Altofonte, l.V.1992, Leg. Leonardi C.
Notes. Species known in Italy only for Sicily: Pachino (Siracusa) (Leonardi 1975b) and
Palermo (Biondi 1989, 2006).

Longitarsus stragulatus (Foudras, 1860)

Chorotype - MED
Host plants - AST (Senecio, Hertia)
Trophic category- OLI
New records - Palermo: Altofonte, 1.V.l992, Leg. Leonardi C.
Notes. Species known in Italy only for Sardinia and Sicily (Favignana, Egadi lslands)
(Biondi 2006).

Longitarsus strigicollis Wollaston, 1864

Chorotype - MED
Host plants - CAF (Dipsacus, Scabiosa)
Trophic category- OLI
New records- CaJtanissetta: Biviere di Gela, 29.IV.2006, Leg . Baviera C.
Notes. Widespread species in Sicily (Leonardi 1973; Biondi 1988, 2005) but not recorded
before for Caltanissetta province.

Longitarsus substriatus Kutschera, 1863

Chorotype - TUE
Host plants- LAM (Glecoma, Teucrium)
Trophic category - OLI
New records- Caltanissetta: Biviere di Gela, 29.1V.2006, Leg. Baviera C.
Notes. Very rare species in Italy, reported for Sicily only from Mistretta (Nebrodi Mounts)
(Leonardi 1973).

Lon.gitarsus succineus (Foudras, 1860)

Chorotype - PAL (introduced in North America)
Host plants - AST, CON, BOR, LAM, PLA
Trophic category - POL

                             Atti Accad. Pelorit. Pericol. Cl. Sci. Fis. Mat. Nat., Vol. 93, No. 2, A2 (2015) [50 pages]
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