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Host plants- LAM (Teucrium) (Doguet 1994)
Trophic category - MON
New records- Messina: Isole Eolie: Stromboli, 0709.IV.2006, Leg. Baviera C.

Notes. Species reported only recently for Italy. The single specimen previously reported
for Sicily from Peloritani Mounts (Castanea) (Leonardi 1972b), probably belongs to this
species rather than to L. membranaceus (Foudras, 1860) (Leonardi pers. comm.).

Longitarsus jacobaeae (Waterhouse, 1858)

Chorotype- CAE (introduced in North America and Australia)
Host plants - AST
Trophic category - OLI

Notes. Uncommon species reported for Sicily only from Nebrodi Mounts (Biondi 1988).

Longitarsus juncicola (Foudras, 1860)

Chorotype - TEM
Host plants - LAM
Trophic category - OLI
New records- Siracusa: Iblei: Buccheri , 28.V.2010, Leg. Baviera C.; Messina: Monti Nebrodi:
Lago Tre Arie, 02.VII.2005, Leg. Baviera C.

Notes. Very common species in Northern Sicily, recorded from Madonie, Nebrodi and
Peloritani Mounts (Biondi 1988; Leonardi 1973). For the first time this species is recorded
from lblei Mounts.

Longitarsus lateripunctatus Rosenhauer, 1856

Chorotype - EUM
Host plants - BOR
Tropbic category - OLI
New records- Palermo: Monte Pellegrino, 370m, 20.III.2010, Leg. Baviera C.; Termini Imerese,
29.V.2007, Leg. Baviera C.; Monti Sicani: Palazzo Adriano, 900m, 24.X.2006, Leg. Baviera C.;
Chiusa Sclafani, 17.III.2008, vaglio, Leg. Baviera C. and Bello, C.; Bosco della Ficuzza, l 200m,
7.VI.1992, Leg. Pinto J.D. ; Geraci, 8.VI.l992, Leg. Pinto J.D.; Messina: Monti Peloritani: Musolino
700m, 04.VI.2000, Leg. Baviera C.; Monte Antennammare, l 133m, 06.X.2008, vaglio, Leg. Baviera
C.; Torre Faro, Contrada Granatari, 28.IV.2000, Leg. Baviera C.; Mortelle, Lido, pit-fall traps, 19.X-
03.XI.2004, Leg. Baviera C.; ditto Lido Spiaggia D'oro, 29.V.2011, Leg. Baviera C. ; San Pier Niceto
350m (l d' 2~), 19.VI.2011, Leg. Baviera C.; Catania: Caltagirone, near San Pietro area, 5.VI.l992,
Leg. Pinto J.D.; Monte Etna, Mareneve, 1200m, 3.VI.1992, Leg. Pinto J.D.; Agrigento: Laghetto
Gorgo, 13 km NW Montallegro, 7.VI.l992, Leg. Pinto J.D.; Siracusa: Lentini, 08.VI.2000, Leg.
I.S.A.; Torre di Vendicari, IO km N Pachino, 4.VI.l992, Leg. Pinto J.D.; Trapani : Castelvetrano,
Vallone Zangara, 28.V.2007, Leg. Baviera C.; Isole Egadi : Favignana, M. S. Caterina 250m, 37°55.7N
l2°18.8E, 12.V.2008, Leg. Liberti G.

Notes. Locally common species in Italy, reported until now only generically for Sicily
(Biondi, 1990). Both the subspecies, L. lateripunctatus s.str. and L. lateripunctatus person-
atus Weise are occurring in Sicily. However, the distribution and real taxonornic status of
these two taxon need further investigation.

Longitarsus laureolae Biondi, 1988

Chorotype- SEU (SISA endemie type)

                             Atti Accad. Pelorit. Pericol. Cl. Sci. Fis. Mat. Nat., Vol. 93, No. 2, A2 (2015) [50 pages]
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