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Notes. Uncommon species in Italy, recorded from Sicily from Egadi Islands (Daccordi and
Ruffo 1975).

Epitrix hirtipennis (Melsheimer, 1847)
Chorotype - Species introduced.
Host plants - SOL
Trophic category - OLI
New records- Messina: Monti Peloritani, Colle San Rizzo, 28.TV.20l0, Leg. Baviera C.; Siracusa:
Lentini, l0.V.2000, Leg. I.S.A.
Notes. This species, introduced from North America, is also known as Tobacco Leaf Beetle
and is a pest reported for the first time in Europe from Italy (Benevento) (Sannino, Balbiani,
and Espinosa 1984; Sannino and Balbiani 1990). After this first report, E. hirtipennis has
spread rapidly throughout whole Italy (Sannino, Balbiani, and Espinosa 1984), but also
it was found in Azores (Portugal) (lsraelson 1985), Greece (Lykouressis 1991), Turkey
(Doberl 1994), Bulgaria (Trenchev and Tomov 2000), Syria (Gruev and Doberl 2005) and
Russia (Orlova-Bienkowskaja 2014). This species is known mainly as a pest of tobacco, but
can also feed on eggplant, potato, tornato and many other solanaceous plants (Meleshko
2001). This is the first report of E. hirtipennis for Sicily.

Hermaeophaga Foudras, 1860

Hermaeophaga cicatrix (Illiger, 1807)
Chorotype - EUM
Host plants - EUP (Mercurialis)
Trophic category - MON
Notes. Species reported only generically for Sicily (Biondi 2005-2013).

Longitarsus Latreille, 1829

Longitarsus aeneicollis (Faldermann, 1837)
Chorotype - WPA
Host plants - BOR, AST, LAM
Trophic category- POL
New records- Catania, Monte Etna, versante Nord, Piano Provenzana 1800m, 23.VI.200l, Leg.
Baviera C.; Palermo: Madonie, Piano Zucchi, 1100 m, 19.Vll.2006, Leg. Baviera C.; ditto,
03.VI.2000; Baita del Faggio, 1400 m, 22.YI.2001, Leg. Baviera C.; Messina: Monti Nebrodi:
Floresta, Monte Pojummoru, 1470 m, 14.YIII.l998, Leg. Baviera C.; Monti Peloritani: Monte
Scuderi, 25.VI.2005, Leg. Baviera C.
Notes. Widespread species in Sicily (Biondi 1988, 2006), not reported before from Etna

Longitarsus aeneus Kutschera, 1862
Chorotype- MED (introduced also in Australia)
Host plants - BOR
Trophic category - OLI
New records- Siracusa: Monti Iblei: Sortino, 300m, 14.IV.2010, vaglio Quercus and Olea, Leg.

                             Atti Accad. Pelorit. Pericol. Cl. Sci. Fis. Mat. Nat.. Vol. 93, No. 2, A2 (2015) [50 pages]
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