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Chaetocnem.a conducta (Motschulsky, 1838)

Chorotype - AFM
Host plants- CYP, JUN, POA
Trophic category - POL

Notes. Common and widespread species in ltaly, recorded only generically for Sicily
(Biondi 1990).

Chaetocnema hortensis (Geoffroy, 1785)

Chorotype - ASE
Host plants - POA
Trophic category - OLI
New records- Catania: Monte Etna: Northem Slope, Piano Provenzana 1900 m, l0.VIII.l998, Leg.
Baviera C.; Palermo: Monti Sicani: Portella della Ginestra 800 m, 25.IV.2008, Leg. Baviera C.

Notes. Common and widespread species in Italy, reported until now for Sicily only from
Peloritani and Nebrodi Mountains (Biondi 1988).

Chaetocnema obesa (Boieldieu, 1859)

Chorotype - CEM
Host plants- CYP (Carex), JUN (Juncus)
Trophic category - OLI
New records- Messina: Monti Nebrodi: Biviere di Cesaro, 1274 m, 26.V.2004, Leg. Baviera C.;
Palermo: Monti Sicani: Prizzi, Monte Carcaci 900 m, 17.IV.2010, sub Quercus, Leg. Baviera C. and

Bello c.

Notes. Species for the first time recorded for Sicily.

Chaetocnema procerula (Rosenhauer, 1856)

Chorotype - EUM
Host plants - CYP
Trophic category - OLI

Notes. Uncommon but widespread species in Italy, recorded only generically from Sicily
(Biondi 1990).

Chaetocnema punctifrons (Abeille, 1907)

Chorotype - WME
Host plants - CYP, JUN
Trophic category - OLI
New records- Messina: Monti Peloritani: Bosco di Malabotta, 14.V.2005, Leg. Baviera C.; ditto,
2.VI.2006; Palermo: Madonie: Isnello, Piano Zucchi, L100m, 05.V.2000, Leg. Baviera C.; Baita del
Faggio, 1400 m, 22.VI.2001, Leg. Baviera C.

Notes. Rare species in Southem Italy, repmted unti! now for Sicily only from Nebrodi
Mounts and Messina (Luigioni 1929; Biondi 1988).

Chaetocnema scheffleri (Kutschera, 1864)

Chorotype - EUM
Host plants - PLG
Trophic category - OLI

                             Atti Accad. Pelorit. Pericol. Cl. Sci. Fis. Mat. Nat., Vol. 93, No.2, A2 (2015) [50 pages]
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