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Notes. Uncommon species in Sicily known only from Madonie and Nebrodi Mounts
(Biondi 1988).

Aphthona ovata Foudras, 1860

Chorotype - EUR
Host plants - EUP (Euphorbia)
Trophic category - MON
New records - Messina: Messina: Monti Nebrodi: Caronia, sotto Pizzo Michele, 550 m, 18.IV.1982,
Leg. Osella B.G.; Biviere di Cesar6, 27.V.2006, Leg. Baviera C.

Notes. Uncommon species, only generically recorded for Sicily (Porta 1934; Vitale 1935;
Biondi 1990).

Aphthona punctiventris Mulsant and Rey, 1874

Chorotype - WME
Host plants - EUP (Euphorbia)
Trophic category - MON

Notes. Rare species in Italy, reported for Sicily only from a single locality (Peloritani
Mounts, Malabotta Forest) (Biondi 1988).

Aphthona pygmaea (Kutschera, 1861)

Chorotype - EUM
Host plants - EUP (Euphorbia)
Trophic category - MON
New records- Trapani: Isola Grande dello Stagnone, 6.V.1991, Leg. Osella B.G.; Ragusa: Marina
di Modica, 23.IV.2004, Leg. Leonardi C.; Messina: Monti Peloritani: Monte Scuderi, 1100 m,
25.VI.2005, Leg. Baviera C.; Monte Antennammare, 1100 m, 15.VI.2009, Leg. Baviera C.; Monti
Nebrodi: Biviere di Cesaro, 29-30.V.2006, Leg. Baviera C.

Notes. Uncommon species in Sicily, known also from Favignana (Egadi Islands), Lipari
(Aeolian Islands) and Nebrodi Mounts (Daccordi and Ruffo 1975; Lo Cascio et al. 2006;
Biondi 1988).

Aphthona semicyanea Allard, 1859

Chorotype - ASE
Host plants - IRI (Iris)
Trophic category - MON

Notes. Rare species in Italy, recorded only generically from Sicily (Biondi 1990).

Aphthona sicelidis Weise, 1888

Chorotype - MED
Host plants - EUP (Euphorbia)
Trophic category - MON
New records - Messina: Monti Peloritani: Monte Scuderi, 25.VI-29.IX.2005, in pit-fall trap, Leg.
Baviera C. ; Patti, Montagnareale, 15.VIII.2000, Leg. Baviera C.; Monte Antennammare, 27.Vl.1997,
Leg. Baviera C.; ditto, 30.VI.2001; Torre Faro, Contrada Granatari, 25.Xll.1998, Leg. Baviera C.;
San Pier Niceto, 04.IV.2010, Leg. Baviera C.; Francavilla di Sicilia, Fiume Alcantara, Le Gurne,
29.III.2010, Leg. Baviera C.; Monti Nebrodi: Floresta, Monte Pojurnmoru, 1470 m, 14.VIII.1998,

                             Atti Accad. Pelorit. Pericol. Cl. Sci. Fis. Mat. Nat., Vol. 93, No.2, A2 (2015) [50 pages]
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