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Host plants - ERI (Erica)
Trophic category - MON

Notes. Uncommon species in Sicily recorded only from Peloritani Mounts (Vitale 1920;
Luigioni 1929).

Batophila Foudras, 1860

Batophila aerata (Marsham, 1802)
Chorotype - EUM
Host plants - ROS (Rosa, Rubus)
Trophìc category - OLI
New records- Palermo: Madonie: località La Lìccia, 800m, 29.V.2007, Leg. Baviera C. ; localita
Ortaggi, 1400 m, 26.X.2006, Leg. Baviera C.; Monti Sicani: Ficuzza dint. Alpe Cucco, 950 m.,
16.IV.2010, Quercus ilex, Leg. Baviera C. and Bello C.
Notes. Common species in Italy, known in Northern Sicily also from Nebrodi and Peloritani
Mounts (Vitale 1920; Biondi 1988).

Chaetocnema Stephens, 1831

Chaetocnema arida Foudras, 1860
Chorotype - EUM
Host plants - CYP, JUN
Trophic category - OLI
New records - Messina: Monti Nebrodì: Mistretta, Urio Quattrocchi, 1000 m, 30.IV.2003, Leg.
Baviera C.; Biviere di Cesar6, 1274 m, 11.IV- 19.VI.2002, in trappola a caduta, Leg. Baviera C.
Notes. Uncommon but widespread species in Italy, reported unti! now for Sicily only from
Madonie Mounts (Piano Battaglia) (Biondi 1988).

Chaetocnema aridula (Gyllenhal, 1827)
Chorotype - PAL
Host plants - POA, CYP (Cyperus esculentus)
Trophic category - POL
Notes. Species recorded in Sici ly from Madonie, Nebrodi and Peloritani Mounts (Biondi

Chaetocnema concinna (Marsham, 1802)
Chorotype - PAL (introduced also in Canada)
Host plants - PLG, AMA
Trophìc category - POL
New records - Messina: Monti Nebrodi: Mistretta, Urio Quattrocchi, 1000 m, 30.IV.2003, Leg.
Baviera C.; Biviere di Cesaro, 1274 m, 26.V.2004, Leg. Baviera C.; ditto, 02.VII.2005; ditto,
19.Vill.2006; ditto, Ol.VI.2007; Palermo: Madonie: Piano Battaglietta 1600 m, 16.V.2008, Leg.
Baviera C. and Rando A.
Notes. Common and widespread species in Italy, recorded unti! now only generically for
Sicily (Biondi 1990).

                             Atti Accad. Pelorit. Pericol. Cl. Sci. Fis. Mat. Nat., Vol. 93, No. 2, A2 (2015) [50 pages]
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