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Fig. 22: Sites of occurrence of Alepes djedaba, Lagocephalus sceleratus and Fistularia commersonii in Zakynthos Island (SE Ionian Sea).
13 days around Vrontonero (37.733179˚N, 20.922256˚E, manuscript of Ommastrephes bartramii; F.A. Fernández-
4 m depth), swimming across a reef. Both sightings oc- Álvarez was supported by a predoctoral fellowship of the
curred within the MPA, whereas this species was found Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competiveness (BES-
to school with individuals of Trachurus mediterraneus. 2013-063551); the research on O. bartramii was financed
With regard to Lagocephalus sceleratus, 30 individuals by the projects AGL2012-39077 and FA1301. T��h�e��o�b�s�e�r�-
of this species were caught on the 23rd of March 2014 vation of Scorpaenodes arenai was made during under-
(around 37.718513�˚�N�,��2�0�.�9�1�9�4��3�8�˚��E���)���b�y���a��r�t��i��s�a���n��a��l���f��i�s��h��e�r�- water studies for Project “Monitoring the conservation
men using trammel nets at depths ranging from 10 to 20 m status of habitat types and species of Community inter-
within the MPA. Two more individuals were caught by a est (Section 2) in the National Marine Park of Zakynthos
trawler on the 3rd of June 2014, off the coast of Zakynthos (NMPZ) and the Site of Community Importance
coast (37.758183˚N, 21.009275˚E). Fishermen provided (SCI) GR2210002” and the EU SEAS-ERA project
samples for the identification of the species. Regarding CIGESMED; V. Gerovasileiou and�N��.��B�a�i�l�l�y���a���r�e��g�r�a�t�e�-
Fistularia commersonii, a single individual was caught ful to the scientific diving team of the Hellenic Centre
at Tsilivi (SE coast of Zakynthos Island: 37.818286˚N, for Marine Research, the Department of Marine Sciences
20.874918˚E) on the 16th of March 2014 by local fishermen of the University of the Aegean and the Management
who provided a photo. Later on, the authors identified dur- Agency of the NMPZ for their valuable help during
ing snorkeling surveys (on the 15th of June 2014) 2 more fieldwork. J. Dulčić and B. Dragičević wish to thank
individuals of F. commersonii at Limnionas (west coast of Josip Krstinić (fisherman from Island Rab) for providing
Zakynthos Island: 37.739128˚N, 20.701634˚E, 5 m depth) specimens of the oceanic puffer. R. Hoffman is a VATAT-
and another 14 individuals of this species around Gerakas supported post-doctoral fellow at the Steinhardt Museum
beach (37.700477�˚�N�,�2��0�.9��8�7�6�8�2��˚�E���,��4����m�����d���e��p��t�h���)�.���O���u���r��f�in��d�- of Natural History and National Research Center; his re-
ings increase the available information on the occurrence search was supported by an Israeli Taxonomy Initiative
and distribution of alien fish species in the Hellenic part of grant; R. Hoffman thanks Donatella Serio for assistance
the Ionian Sea, which, in general, is rather limited. with the identification of Antithamnionella elegans. The
study of Codium parvulum has been supported by Celal
Acknowledgements Bayar University (BAP 2011-080). P. Latsoudis is thank-
ful to Maria Corsini-Foka from the Ellenic Network on
The authors F.A. Fernández-Álvarez and A. Escánez Aquatic Invasive Species (ELNAIS) for providing valu-
are grateful to Flavie Bidel, Gabriella Scatà, Shelby able information on the distribution of alien species in
Temple and Anne-Laurence Bibost for field support and Greece and for her helpful and constructive comments
to Roger Villanueva for the helpful comments on the on his manuscript and to I. Lemoni for her comments
Medit. Mar. Sci., 16/2, 2015, 472-488 485