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During a free diving underwater photographic survey (2006), the white spot markings are evident during the
on 5-6 December 2014 in a coastal area of the Greek is- day and night on Diadema setosum instead of the similar
land of Kastelorizo, four specimens of an exotic echinoid markings on the test of the closely related D. savignyi
were observed and photographed. The studied marine (Michelin, 1845) which are typically visible only during
area is just parallel to the shore, narrow and about 200 the night. All specimens observed had only dark (almost
meters long. It is located close to the port of the island black) spines but no gray ones, instead of the both dark
(36.152916°N, 29.591658°E) and is characterized by a and gray spines of the specimens mentioned by Yapici et
rocky substrate. The specimens observed during the day al. (2014) in Turkish waters.
were semi-shielded on rocky bottom and open crevices at
a depth of only 3-5 meters. One specimen was observed Yokes & Galil (2006) mention that possible vectors
and photographed again in the same area during a similar for the indroduction of this species into the Mediterranean
survey on 2-3 May 2015. Sea include larval transport through the Suez Canal, ship-
ping, and aquarium trade. They also underline the ur-
After close examination of the photographic material chin’s venomous spines that may cause painful injuries
and based on external morphological aspects, the speci- to swimmers.
mens were recognized as the needle-spined urchins Di-
adema setosum (Fig. 12). Although the occurrence of Diadema setosum in
Kastellorizo, Greece, could be expected after its appear-
The conspicuous characteristic of the species is the ance in the nearby Turkish coastal area of Kaş Peninsula
unusual long spines, absent from the swallow water echi- (Yokes & Galil, 2006), its presence around the island is
noids of Greece. The specimens also had at least four documented here after about a decade. This is probably
white spot markings on the inter-ambulacrals just above due to the scarce scientific investigation of the area and
the ambitus (Fig. 13). According to Coppard & Campbell this underlines the urgent need for a more thorough ef-
fort to monitor the rapid expansion of alien species. The
latter is of significant importance for taking management
measures for the eradication of unwanted invasive spe-
cies in due time.
The finding of Diadema setosum adds a new alien echi-
noderm to Hellenic waters, after the previously invento-
ried species Ophiactis savignyi (Müller & Troschel, 1842)
and Synaptula reciprocans (Forsskǻl, 1775) (Zenetos et
al., 2011 and references therein).
2.5. Goniobranchus annulatus invading the South-
Eastern Aegean Sea (Greece)
By G. Kondylatos and M. Corsini-Foka
Fig. 12: Specimen of Diadema setosum in an open crevice. Goniobranchus annulatus (Eliot, 1904), a nudi-
branch of distinctive colour pattern, inhabits the Indian
Fig. 13: At least 4 white spot markings are obvious on the test Ocean, the East African coast and the Red Sea. After
of this specimen. its first occurrence in the Mediterranean, in a rock pool
on the island of Salamina, Saronikos Gulf, Greece in
2004 (Daskos & Zenetos, 2007), the species has been
found along the Mediterranean coasts of Turkey, at
Beldibi, Antalya (2008), at Çevlik Harbor (2009) and in
Iskenderun Gulf (2008-2009); in Cyprus, at Dhekelia,
Larnaca, (2009); in various locations off Israel (2009-
2011) (Pasternak et al., 2011 and references within); in
Lebanon (Crocetta et al., 2013); and in Greece, island of
Kastelorizo, in 2010 (Zenetos et al., 2011).
On the 10th of May 2015, more than 10 specimens of
the nudibranch were observed along a distance of 30-40
m, over the rocky substrate covered by green, red and
brown algae, within a depth range of 2-12 m, during snor-
keling and free diving. 7 live samples, 3-5 cm in length,
were collected by hand and transported to the facilities of
the Hydrobiological Station of Rhodes, where they suc-
480 Medit. Mar. Sci., 16/2, 2015, 472-488