Page 4 - 1991_Hutterer
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244                                R. Hutterer

             MB (mm)                           o                               D
     6,5                                            D                     D




     7,5 7.7 7,9 8 ,1 8,3          8,5 8;7    8,9 9 ,1 9 ,3 9,5 9,7

     *+ Gozo R        Malta H       UTR (mm)  X Egadi R O Slclly A

                                   D Malta P

Fig. 3: A scatter diagram of upper toothrow length (UTR) versus maxillary breadth (MB) for
five populations of Crocidura sicula. R = Recent, H = Holocene, P = Pleistocene.

T ab l e l : Length of tibia (TL) and maxillary breadth (MB) in living and extinct populations
of Crocidura sicula (sensu lato).

     Locality l Period                       TL ± sd n                    MB ± sd      n
                                             16.3± 0.6 200
     Malta, Ghar Dalam l Early Pleistocene                                 6.6±0.2     51
     Sicily, Spinagallo l Upper Pleistocene  [15.1-17.6]              17
     [Kotsakis 1986]                          14.9                     l  [6.0 - 6.2]   3
     Malta, Ghar Dalam l Upper Pleistocene    13.5± 0.5
     Sicily l Recent                          12.5± 0.8               20   6.1±0.2     24
     Malta, Ghar Dalam l Neolithic            12.3                     5   5.9±0 . 1   12
     Gozo l Recent                            12.3                     2   5.8±0.1     27
     Egadi Is . l Recent                                               l   5.7±0.2      8

T ab l e 2 : Length and width of the upper third molar in living and extinct populations of Cro-
cidura sicula. ·

     Locality l Period                        M 3 -Length              M3-Width        n

     Malta, Ghar Dalam l Early Pleistocene    0.66 ± 0.06              1.30±0.05       10
     Sicily, Spinagallo l Upper Pleistocene
     [Kotsakis 1986]                          0.60±0.04               [1.35]            2
     Sicily l Recent                          0.56±0.04                1.27 ± 0.08     13
     Malta, Ghar Dalam l Neolithic            0 . 5 6 ± 0 .00          1.22±0.03        6
     Gozo l Recent                            0.52±0.03                1.25±0.05        7
     Egadi l Recent                                                    1.11±0.05        8
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9