Page 4 - 1Agostini_wind_patterns_honey_buzzard_ABR2016
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162    N. Agostini, M. Gustin, J. von Hardenberg and M. Panuccio

          0.75°  resolution  at  6 hour time  frequency, on vertical   During the peak  passage, on average  1088±216  (SE)
          pressure levels spaced 25 hPa in the lower troposphere.   birds per day were counted (maximum: 5748 on 2 May
          In particular, in this work, we use the winds on pressure   2012) in flocks of, on average, 37 individuals (Figure 4b;
          levels, provided by ERA-Interim for 12:00 UTC, averaged   Table 1). As for  Pantelleria,  few birds were  seen over
          between 1000 hPa and 900 hPa and representative of the   Marettimo in the morning (Figure 3). At this watch site,
          average winds in approximately the first 1000 m of altitude   on average 1538±258 European Honey Buzzards were
          above sea level. Migrating raptors tend to fly within this   seen yearly (Figure 4a), mostly during weak S–SE winds
          altitude range, higher when using soaring–gliding flight   (2–3 m s ; Figure 2). A total of 22 peak days were reported
          over land and sometimes very low when flying over the   (maximum: 4 days in 2010 and 2011; minimum: 2 days in
          open sea (Kerlinger, 1989; Agostini et al., 2012).   2006, 2008, 2009, 2012) with 406±96 (SE) birds per day
                                                               (maximum: 2075 on 18 May 2009) in flocks containing

                                                               on average  17 European Honey Buzzards  (Figure  4b;
          3.  RESULTS                                          Table 1). No significant correlation was found (r=–0.04,
                                                               P>0.05)  for the counts  recorded at  these two islands
          Average wind conditions, recorded in the study area during   during the eight year period.
          the whole observation period (20 April to 20 May 2006–
          2013), were weak (≤2 m s ) from the west (Figure 2). On   3.2 Tyrrhenian flyways–Straits of Messina
          average 6153±1499 (SE) birds passed each year over the
          islands  of  Pantelleria and Marettimo (maximum:  13657   As for Marettimo, over Ustica, European Honey Buzzards
          in 2012, minimum: 2647 in 2011) while 24752±1057     were mostly seen in the afternoon during weak S winds
          birds  (maximum: 29356  in 2009,  minimum: 21640  in   (Figure 2 and 3), in 21 peak days (maximum: 4 days in
          2008) were counted yearly along the Tyrrhenian flyway   2008  and 2011;  minimum: 1 day in  2010  and 2013).
          and at the Straits of Messina. On average 25% of birds   At  this  site,  on average  1495±253  birds  were counted
          counted  along  the  Tyrrhenian flyway and at the  Straits   yearly  (Figure 4a), 397±114  birds  per day during  the
          concentrated over the island of Marettimo and Pantelleria   peak passage (maximum: 2165 on 2 May 2010) in flocks
          when crossing the Channel of Sicily.                 containing on average 23 birds (Figure 4b; Table 1). As for
                                                               Pantelleria, buzzards reaching this small island probably
          3.1 Pantelleria–Marettimo                            exploited stronger winds when soaring over the mainland
                                                               of Sicily. Although the passage over Marettimo and Ustica
          During the crossing  of  the Channel  of Sicily, European   had similar magnitude and occurred during similar wind
          Honey Buzzards were seen concentrating over the island   conditions, no significant correlation was reported at these
          of Pantelleria with moderate NW winds (4–5 m s ; Figure   two sites in the eight year period (r=0.39, P>0.05). Over
          2) during midday and afternoon (Figure 3). They reached   the island of Panarea on average 3102±530 (SE) buzzards
          this  island  from NW, apparently  moving  from the  Cap   were counted yearly (Figure 4a) and a total of 27 peak days
          Bon Peninsula where they probably exploited a slighter   (maximum: 6 days in 2007; minimum: 1 day in 2011) was
          stronger wind  when  soaring at higher  altitude  before   recorded. During the peak passage, 593±134 European
          leaving the mainland. On average 4615±1461 (SE) birds   Honey Buzzards were counted per day (maximum: 3454
          were  counted  yearly  over  this island (Figure 4a) and a   on 6 May 2011) during very weak westerly winds (≤2 m s )
          total of 27 peak days were reported (maximum: 4 days   and mostly during midday (Figure 2 and 3). During these
          in 2006,  2009  and 2012;  minimum:  2 days in 2008).   days,  flocks contained  22  birds  on  average  (Figure

           Figure 3 Circadian pattern of migration at each site during the three time periods: morning (09:00–11:59), midday (12:00–14:59)
                                             and afternoon (15:00–19:00, solar time).
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