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New faunistic data on Trochoidea (Trochoidea) caroni (Deshayes, 1832) (Gastropoda Pulmonata Hygromiidae)  493

                 Figures 29-31. Shell of Trochoidea trochlea from Annaba (Algeria), Löbbecke Museum, Düsseldorf, Germany, height 8.1
                 mm, diameter 10.2 mm: apertural view (Fig. 29), umbilical view (Fig. 30), apical view (Fig. 31). Figure 32. Figure n. 1470
                 of Helix trochlea from plate 146 in Kobelt (1877).

                 are also noteworthy. In particular, the latter authors  Olevola near Terracina) and the fossil reports from
                 write: “Rara: gli esemplari che possediamo ci son per-  Capri  by  Segre  (1959)  attributed  by  him  to  the
                 venuti da Palermo ad eccezione di un solo ritrovato  Lower Pleistocene, when Capri was joined to the
                 nella plaia di Catania. Diam. lin. [Linea siciliana (o  Sorrentina peninsula (Barattolo et al., 1992; Ca-
                 linia) = 1.79234583 mm] 5 ½ [= 9.86 mm], altezza  passo Barbato & Gliozzi, 1995). This report there-
                 lin. 2 ½ [=4.48 mm] (h/d: 0.46). Coll. (A.G.) [=  fore  demonstrates  the  ancient  presence  of  the
                 Abate Emiliano Guttadauro?]". Philippi (1836) also  species on the island of Capri.
                 reports it with the name Carocolla elegans Lamk.  Of similar interest is the finding of fossil speci-
                 from Palermo and Pantelleria Island. The same  mens on Malta, which may demonstrate colonisa-
                 citation is repeated by Monterosato (1893) with the  tion from Sicily during the Quaternary (Giusti et al.,
                 comment “Non è stato più ritrovata, né credo si  1995; Hunt, 1997; Kolouch, 2003). T. caroni may
                 trovi”.                                      have been present on the island until last century at
                                                              least, as historical reports from the mid and late
                                                              nineteenth century suggest (Gulia, 1874; Feilden,
                 DISCUSSION                                   1879).
                                                                 Reports from North Africa are also interesting
                   On the basis of the data collected, the current dis-  but require further confirmation, since local forms
                 tribution of T. caroni, limited to Capri and Sicily  of T. trochlea or other taxa cannot be excluded.
                 (Manganelli et al., 1995), proves to be much wider  Reports from the Balearic Islands cannot be
                 (Fig. 33). In peninsular Italy, new sites of collection  verified since the original specimens cited in the
                 are in fact reported: one at Terracina with live speci-  papers could not be traced.
                 mens,  one  at  Spigno  Saturnia  with  many  fresh  In the light of this new data, it is possible to say
                 empty shells, one in Sorrento with two empty shells  that the distribution of T. caroni is certainly wider
                 of juveniles, one at Castagneto Carducci with a  than hitherto known, although it is not yet possible
                 shell of an adult specimen, one at Manfredonia with  to draw conclusions on the origin and spread of this
                 a shell in a museum collection, dating to 1878, and  population. Likewise for T. trochlea and T. elegans
                 a  bibliographic  specimen  from  Ischia,  dating  to  with elevated spires, it is impossible to determine
                 1822–1830. It is also important to mention the re-  the correct systematic, phylogenetic and biogeo-
                 ports by Statuti (1882: Porto Badino and Torre  graphic position of the taxa and their effective rela-
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