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492                    N. MAIO,  A. PETRACCIOLI, P. CROVATO, N. AMOR & G. ODIERNA

                 Trochoidea (Trochoidea) trochlea (Pfeiffer, 1846)  posto”. Sacchi (1955a) reports finding specimens
                                                              of Helicella (Trochoidea) trochlea Drap. in Eastern
                   ORIGINAL DESCRIPTION. Pfeiffer, 1846, species  Algeria at Capo Carbon, near Bugia and at Capo di
                 no. 302, p. 69, locus typicus: “Patria ?”: “Helix  Guardia.
                 trochlea Pfr. - T. perforata, conico-turrita, trochlearis,  In the L. Pfeiffer collection of the Senckenberg
                 costulato-striata, albida, interdum fusco-maculata  Forschungsinstitut und Naturmuseum in Frankfurt
                 vel basi fusco-fasciata; anfr. 8 acute crenulato-  am Main (Germany), there is a specimen reported
                 carinati, late exserti, utriuque planulati, ultimus  as “Helix trochlea Pf., coll. O. Reinhardt ex Par-
                 basi subtilius et confertius striatus, convexiusculus,  reyss” from "Sicilia" (h/d=0.81) and nine specimens
                 antice non descendens; apertura securiformis; perist.  reported as “Trochula trochlea Pf., coll. C. Bout ex
                 acutum, margine basali arcuato, intus leviter labi-  H.  Rolle”  from  "Sierra  Nevada,  Hispania"
                 ato, columellari subdilatato, ad perforationem sub-  (h/d=0.72). In the same collection there are other
                 reflexo. Diam. 7 2/3, alt. 8 mm [h/d=1.04] - Patria?  specimens with labels indicating provenance from
                 (Coll. Cuming.)”.                            sites in Algeria and Tunisia (R. Janssen, pers. com.;
                   ExAMINED MATERIAL. The  first  faunistic  re-  see Table 3).
                 ports of T. trochlea date back to Morelet (1853,
                 sub Helix trochlea Pfr.) from the promontory of  Trochoidea (Trochoidea) elegans (Gmelin, 1791)
                 Ippona, Capo di Guardia near Bona [present town
                 of Annaba, author’s note], Algeria, and to Bour-  ORIGINAL DESCRIPTION. Gmelin, 1791, species
                 guignat (1864) who reports four varieties of He-  no. 229, p. 3642, locus typicus “Barbaria et australi
                 licella  trochlea Pfeiffer  (var.  minor,  depressa,  Europa”: “Helix elegans. H. testa pyramidali alba
                 fusco-maculata and hypozona) from Bugia [present  umbilicata:  anfractibus  sex  acutis  planiusculis
                 town  of  Béjaïa,  author’s  note], Algiers  and  at  marginatis. Habitat terrestris in Barbaria et australi
                 Capo di Guardia, near Annaba (Algeria). Bourguig-  Europa. [Barbaria or Berberia: the Mediterranean
                 nat (1868) also reports it from Tunisia at Kamart  coastal area of Barbary and the Barbary States:
                 (Tunis), in the ruins of Carthage and on the east-  Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco, author’s note]”.
                 ern slope of Djebel Ahmar (Tunisia). Specimens  ExAMINED MATERIAL. During  the  present
                 with this determination from Annaba are kept in  study, some populations with particularly elevated
                 the Löbbecke Museum in Düsseldorf (1868, legit  spire were found in the literature. Morphologically
                 Lischke) and have h/d ratios in the range 0.68-  very similar to T. caroni, they were of uncertain tax-
                 1.04 (mean: 0.86) (Maio, pers. obs.; Figs. 29–31).  onomic  attribution.  The  reports  are  included  to
                 Kobelt (1877) writes: “This very attractive species  complete the information on this particular group
                 represents [=substitutes?] the group of the “Hel.  of land snails.
                 Caroni” in Algeria, where it is found in the Prov-  Sacchi (1955a) reports finding specimens of He-
                 inces  of  Algiers  and  Constantine  in  various  licella elegans with elevated spire and morphologi-
                 points” (Fig. 32). De Saint-Simon (1882) reports  cal characteristics very similar to H. elata on Ibiza.
                 specimens of Helix trochlea collected at Capo di  In the same paper he reports “molto turricolate”
                 Guardia, near Bona, of which he examined the  forms of H. elegans from Tunis and specimens of
                 radula. Letourneux & Bourguignat (1887) also re-  Helicella (Trochoidea) elegans stated to belong to
                 port it from Tunisia, as well as from Bona, Bugia  “forme assai alte di spira” from Southern France.
                 and Algiers (Algeria). Monterosato (1893) reports  Sacchi (1954, 1955a) does not exclude the hypothe-
                 H. trochlea Pfeiff. from “Algeria a Bona e nel de-  sis of the presence of turriculate forms in the Balea-
                 serto  del  Sahara  (Mouss.)”  and  H.  speciosa,  ric Islands, though he considers them the result of
                 Monts. as “nuova forma vicina alla trochlea ma  geographical isolation of populations of H. elegans
                 pur distinta” from Salaparuta (Trapani Province)  (reported, moreover, by Bofill I Poch & D’Aguillar-
                 in Sicily (Prof. A. Palumbo).                Amat (1924) as Helix (Trochula) elegans).
                   Wenz (1923) reports this species as a “Pliocen.  Two historical reports of T. elegans by Ross-
                 S. - Diluv.” fossil at "Cap de Garde bei Bone” and  mässler (1837, Tafel xxVI, Fig. 345, sub H. elegans
                 Joleaud (1936) also reports it as a fossil from Capo  Gm.) and  by Aradas  &  Maggiore  (1840:  specie
                 di Guardia in the “panchina quaternario antica del  LxVI, Elice elegante H. elegans Gm) from Sicily
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