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New faunistic data on Trochoidea (Trochoidea) caroni (Deshayes, 1832) (Gastropoda Pulmonata Hygromiidae) 487
Finally, two shells of juvenile specimens of T. ca- (Elice alta) in their "Catalogo delle Conchiglie
roni were found in humus at Sorrento (Naples) viventi e fossili", as being “frequente in Palermo e
(March 1984, G. Fasulo legit) (Figs. 14–16). The Sciacca, rarissima nei nostri dintorni. Trovasi pure
site unfortunately no longer exists, due to road- alle Madonie presso Scillato alla portella di Mare”,
works that destroyed the original habitat. Their h/d and as H. turrita Phil. (Elice torriciuolata) as being
ratio was about 0.95. “comune in Palermo, e alle falde di Monte Pelle-
Delle Chiaje (1841) reports Helix elegans Drap. grino, abita in terreni aridi”.
from Ischia Island. The plate was previously pub- Calcara (1845) reported T. caroni sub Helix
lished by the author in the atlas “Memorie sulla Sto- elata in the Palermo area, on the banks of the River
ria e Notomia degli Animali senza vertebre del Oreto and as Helix caroni from "Malaspina, alle
Regno di Napoli” dating between 1822 and 1830 Croci, falde di Monte Pellegrino, sponde dell’Oreto,
(Delle Chiaje, 1830) (Fig. 23). The figure clearly a Sferracavallo e Carini".
indicates that the species in question is actually T. Benoit (1862, p. 206, pl. 5, fig. 18) describes a
caroni, which at the time had not yet been de- local form of Helix cfr. caroni with a less accentu-
scribed. The synonymy is also confirmed by Benoit ated conical form and rounded apex, as Helix Se-
(1862, 1875) and Statuti (1882). quentiana. He found it in the Eastern Madonie
APULIA. A specimen of T. caroni found at Man- Mountains and near Cefalù (Palermo). He also de-
fredonia (Foggia Province), collected by W. Kobelt scribes a variety dilatata of H. elata Faure-Biguet
in 1878, is kept in the L. Pfeiffer collection at the that he found near Palermo and on Mt. S. Giuliano
Senckenberg Forschungsinstitut und Naturmuseum (or Mt. Erice) near Trapani. He describes H. caroni
in Frankfurt am Main, Germany (R. Janssen, pers. Deshayes on Mt. Pellegrino, on the banks of the
com.; see Table 3). Its h/d ratio is 7.0/6.6 = 1.06. River Oreto, “alle Croci”, at Carini, near Palermo,
as well as at Calatafimi, near the Temple of Segesta,
TUSCANy. A specimen found of T. caroni at Trapani (Benoit, 1875, 1881). Some specimens of
Castagneto Carducci (Livorno Province) in 1983 is the Minà Palumbo collection bear Fiume Oreto and
kept in the S. Duraccio collection (ex coll. Pirozzi Palermo as collection sites (Liberto et al., 2010).
no. 69F, G. D’Anna legit). Its h/d ratio is 8.5/7.0 = De Saint-Simon (1882) reports Helix caroni
generically from Sicily. Westerlund (1889) reports
SICILy. The first historical report of T. caroni it from Palermo as Helix caroni, from the Madonie
from Sicily dates back to Férussac (1821), who cites Mountains as Helix sequentiana, and generically
W.E. Leach’s report of “Helix elata Faure Biguet”. from Sicily as Helix turrita.
Subsequently, Deshayes (1832) described Helix Ca- Monterosato (1893) reports Xerophila caroni
roni on a specimen from Sicily (Figs. 1–4). Desh. (= H. Caroni, Ben. – Ill. Sist. 1857, t. V. f.
Philippi (1836: pp. 137–138, pl. 8, fig. 17) de- 14) from Favignana and the Egadi islands (Benoit).
scribes it in his first volume as a new species with He also states that the species of this group are: “a)
the name of Carocolla turrita on specimens from X. Caroni, Desh. (=turrita, Ph.) - Prov. di Palermo,
Palermo (Fig. 24). He also reports Carocolla elata Nicosia, Siracusa; b) H. exacta, Monts. mss. =H.
Faure-Biguet (pl. 8, fig. 16) from Palermo, Sciacca Caroni, Ben. - Ill. Sist. T. V, f. 15 (Calatafimi); c)
(Agrigento Province) and from Pachino (Siracusa H. elata, Faure-Biguet et var. dilatata, Ben. - Prov.
Province). In his second volume (Philippi, 1844), di Trapani; d) =H. Seguenziana, Ben. H. ?pyramis,
he reports Helix turrita Ph. as a synonym of H. ca- Ph. - Calatafimi, Sciacca ed altre località Siciliane”.
roni Desh. from Palermo. Rossmässler (1837) also Monterosato (1894) later cites H. (Xerocochlea)
cites the same works. Caroni Desh. “comune e caratteristica delle parti
Pirajno (1840, sub Helix elata), reports it basse del Monte Pellegrino e dei suoi dintorni sino
“presso Scillato [Palermo] alla Portella di mare”. a S. Polo, in tutta la parte che lo circonda”.
Describing the Trapani area, Power (1842, as De Gregorio (1895, sub Helix elata Faure Biguet)
Caracolla elata) reports T. caroni “sul monte S. reports T. caroni from “Fiume Anapo in Siracusa
Giuliano sotto erbe e pietre” and near the walls of e (…) Carini”; in the same paper (1895, as Helix
the Castello di Erice (Sparacio, 2012). Aradas & elata Var. dilatata Ben.) also from Monte San
Maggiore (1840) reported T. caroni as H. elata Fèr. Giuliano.