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New faunistic data on Trochoidea (Trochoidea) caroni (Deshayes, 1832) (Gastropoda Pulmonata Hygromiidae) 485
Figure 1. Syntype n° Moll 23356 from Palermo collected by “M. Caron” (collection Mollusques, Muséum National d'Histoire
Naturelle, Paris), apertural view. Figure 2. Idem, umbilical view. Figure 3. Idem, apical view. Figure 4. Idem, original labels.
Photos by P. Maestrati, Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris.
any description. Thus the name is now considered Saturnia (Latina) in spring and summer 2006 (Figs.
a nomen nudum. 5–7). The specimens have an h/d ratio greater than
Deshayes (1832) [according to Sherborn (1924: 1.40. Their good state of conservation suggests that
p. 1110) the correct year of publication is 1832] they come from a population still present in the
published the first valid description of the species, area. However, this could not be confirmed as no
assigning the name “Helix Caroni”. The original live specimens were found (Petraccioli et al., 2011).
type series is still kept in the National Museum of A live population of T. caroni was identified in
Natural History in Paris: a syntype from Palermo 1986 (Hallgass, 2007; com. pers.; Figs. 8–10,
collected by “M. Caron”, to whom the species is 25) at San Silviano in the Ausoni Mountains, near
dedicated (syntype: “1 lot de 1 spécimen, Typothè- Terracina (Latina), at an altitude of 200 m. Speci-
que Leg. Caron, n° Moll 23356”) and other 8 syn- mens have an h/d ratio between 1.10 and 1.30. The
types from “Sicilia” (syntypes: “1 lot de 8 species is indicated generically in Latium by
spécimens, Typothèque, n° Moll 23357”) (Maio, Welter-Schultes (2012).
pers. obs.; Figs. 1–4). CAMPANIA. The first historical report of T. caroni
Rossmässler (1837: pp. 23, 24, fig. 344), who in Campania dates back to Férussac (1821) who re-
gives Faure-Biguet’s description of Helix elata, ports data of Faure-Biguet for Capri. The species is
considers the species a synonym of Helix caroni. referred to as “Helix elata Faure Biguet”. Ross-
ExAMINED MATERIAL.LATIUM. The first re- mässler (1837) also reports it from Capri as Faure-
port of T. caroni in Latium is by Statuti (1882) who Biguet’s Helix elata. Achille Costa (1840, sub
mentions finding a single shell on the beach be- Corocolla (sic!) elata) claims to have found it under
tween Porto di Badino and Torre Olevola, a few km stones on the road to S. Giacomo (Capri, Naples)
from Terracina in Latina Province. The author sus- and lists it among rare species. Philippi (1836,
tains that the specimen reached the beach with flot- 1844, sub Helix elata Faure Biguet) confirms the
sam from nearby rivers of the Pontine Plain. The presence of the species on Capri. Monterosato
studies conducted in this area produced 12 shells (1893) reports Xerophila caroni Desh. (=turrita
(three juveniles) from the Municipality of Spigno Ph.) from “isola di Capri (Philippi)”.