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486                    N. MAIO,  A. PETRACCIOLI, P. CROVATO, N. AMOR & G. ODIERNA

                   In his writings, Bellini (1899, 1900, 1901, 1910,  ricolata, che corrisponde alle forme descritte dal
                 1915, 1920, 1922, 1924, 1926) reports it with var-  Bellini  (1915)  come  H.  caroni Desh.  e  H.  elata
                 ious names: Helix (Xerophila) turrita Phil., Helix  Faure”. Subsequently (Sacchi, 1955a, 1955b, 1956a),
                 (Tropidocochlis) turrita Phil., Tropidocochlis elatus  he states that “Helicella (Trochoidea) caroni Desh.
                 Faure Biguet, Tropidocochlis turritus Phil., H. (Tropi-  and H. elata Faure” are indistinguishable on Capri.
                 docochlis) elata Faure Biguet, Tropidocochlis Ca-  Three specimens found in Via Tragara in August
                 roni  Deshayes,  H.  (Xerophila) elata Fer.  var.  1979 are kept in the S. Duraccio collection (ex coll.
                 caprensis and claims it to be a rare species on Capri,  Pirozzi  no.  69).  During  our  study  on  Capri,  we
                 though locally abundant in litter at Castiglione, Arco  found T. caroni in 10 stations ranging in altitude
                 Naturale, Via Krupp and Pizzolungo. Bellini (1901)  from about 25 m to 200 m, but only in two of these
                 describes a hypsometric zone of Capri between  stations did we find live specimens (Table 1, Figs.
                 Valletta (120 m) and Mt. S. Michele (245 m), which  11–13, 27).  They were found at the base of the
                 he calls “zona di H. elata e H. surrentina”. He dis-  trunks or near superficial roots of mainly legumi-
                 tinguishes an eastern subzone where H. elata pre-  nous  plants  typical  of  Mediterranean  maquis,
                 dominates. Bellini (1899; 1900) also describes a  growing on calcareous rock in the littoral zone (Pe-
                 variety caprensis (Bellini, 1899: pp. 4–5), “rara nella  traccioli et al., 2005a, 2005b, 2006). The h/d ratio
                 parte occidentale dell’isola, nelle zolle incolte al di  was about 1.05.
                 sotto del Castello Barbarossa” [rare in the western  There is an interesting report of fossils of this
                 part of the island, in uncultivated turf and below  species from Capri. Segre (1959) reports it as Helix
                 Castello Barbarossa]. Original specimens collected  caronii (sic!) Desh. (F. Settepassi det.) found in cal-
                 by Bellini are kept in the malacological collection  carenite of Villa Jovis (Monte di Lauro, Capri), a
                 of the Zoological Museum of Naples University  well-cemented, medium to coarse grained calcare-
                 Federico II and in the museum of the Centro  ous sandstone from the Lower Pleistocene (Barat-
                 Caprense “Ignazio Cerio” on Capri (Maio, pers.  tolo et al., 1992; Petraccioli et al., 2007).
                 obs.). Sacchi (1953) reports its presence on Capri,  Sacchi (1953) states that it is possible to find
                 on Mt. Tuoro and Mt. Solaro, in sparse garigues with  “una piccola forma, (...) mostrante affinità con He-
                 rosemary, as: “endemita del gruppo Helicella (Tro-  licella elegans e forme simili” at the base of coastal
                 choidea) elegans Gm., a spira elevata e a forma tur-  cliffs  between  Amalfi  and  Positano  (Salerno).

                  Specimens        Sampling stations        Date            Habitats       Alt. m  UTM

                            Trackfrom via Mesola to Fortino          Dry stone walls,
                  Living                                 17.04.2004                        37-150  3289
                            Mesola (Anacapri)                        mediterranean maquis
                  Living    Fortino Mesola (Anacapri)    17.04.2004  Mediterranean maquis  37      3289
                            “Belvedere o Piazzetta delle Noci”       Pinewood, dry stone walls.
                  Shells                                 15.04.2004                        194     3789
                            (Capri)                                  In humus
                  Shells    Scala Fenicia, quarto tratto, Capri  06.04.2003  On calcareous rock  67-100  3489
                  Shells    Via Krupp (Capri)                        On calcareous rock    25-125  3588
                  Shells    Via Arco Naturale (Capri)    18.07.2003  In litter             75      3788

                  Shells    Via Pizzolungo (Capri)       16.04.2004  In litter             50-100  3688
                  Shells    Via Cesina (Capri)           16.11.2003  Dry stone walls. In debris  150-200 3689
                  Shells    Giardini Augusto (Capri)     24.01.2004  Gardens. In debris    75-96   3688

                  Shells    Monte Tamborio (Capri)       07.11.2003  On calcareous rock. In debris 200  3689

                                 Table 1. Faunistic data of Trochoidea (Trochoidea) caroni from Capri Island.
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