Page 3 - Agius_Theuma_Deidun(2018)
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155 Does Absence of Charismatic Species Impact the Ecotourism Potential of Central Mediterranean Islands?
relatively small land area, the resulting limited variety views were also held with stakeholders across the en-
of habitats, the long history of colonisation and in the tire area of study in order to obtain their views on
case of the Maltese islands the high population density, various aspects related to ecotourism. As per Okech
the islands host a high variety of biota including several (2011) and Orams (1999a), ecotourism stakeholders in-
endemic species and are thus considered as biodiversity terviewed included locals, resource users (including op-
hotspots (Vogiatzakis, Mannion & Pungetti, 2008). erators, guides, tourists), government and official agen-
cies, non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and aca-
demics (see Table 1). Two sub-types of strategic in-
formant sampling technique were used to recruit inter-
viewees: expert sampling and snowball sampling. Inter-
views were held face to face and owing to the charac-
teristics of islands being small-entangled communities,
notes were taken instead of recording to ensure tangible
information is acquired and that an adequate pool of
stakeholders accept to participate. A checklist of items
discussed during interviews and focus groups can be
found in Annex Annex 1. Data obtained through inter-
views and focus groups was analysed manually through
coding, sorting and looking for dominant themes.
3 Results
When asked about activities and features that are
Figure 1: Central Mediterranean islands representing the area
of study. Source: QGIS, 2016. Designed by Andrea Pace. most important during a trip abroad, ecotourists in-
terviewed referred to experiencing nature, visiting un-
crowded places and increasing knowledge on wildlife.
2.2 Methods
Watching wildlife including plants and animals was the
The case study approach was used in terms of research least ecotourism related aspect referred to by ecotour-
design as it provides flexibility as a multiple method- ists interviewed. The main reasons which motivated
ology (Jennings, 2001; Yin, 2014). The multiple case respondents to participate in the ecotours included to
study approach was implemented whereby the same re- visit a new ecodestination (ecotourists remarked that
search methods were applied to the different islands un- they had not visited the central Mediterranean island
der study (Yin, 2014). Research was conducted between in question), the fact that the tour was predominantly
May 2013 and July 2016 and over 240 people particip- nature based, a competitive price of the package, the
ated in the study. Four study visits (one on each ar- positive experience garnered from the previous ecotours
chipelago/island) were organised to observe and famili- and to support conservation initiatives. The desire to
arise oneself with the area of study. watch charismatic fauna also did not feature among the
Eventually, four ecotours were organised (one on each most popular expectations of those participating in the
archipelago/island). These involved the organisation of ecotours. In fact, the learning experience, immersing
a specific itinerary for 66 ecotourists who voluntarily ac- in nature and visiting a new interesting ecodestination
cepted to participate in the trips, at their own expense. were the most popular expectations among respondents
43 ecotourists participated in one ecotour, 23 ecotourists participating in the four ecotours.
participated in two ecotours whereas 5 ecotourists par- Ecoguides interviewed in the area of study expressed
ticipated in three of the ecotours organised generating a concern on the absence of terrestrial large charismatic
total of 94 ecotourism experiences. The programme of species save for some introduced mammals such as red
the ecotour involved established ecotourism excursions deer (Cervus elaphus), mouflons (Ovis orientalis musi-
in protected areas. Interviews and focus groups were mon) and wild boars (Sus scrofa scrofa) on Marettimo.
conducted with participants of ecotours including those They said that this might leave an impact on the sat-
who participated in more than one ecotour and those isfaction of ecotourists. When interviewed, ecotourists
who revisited the ecodestinations on their own initiat- visiting the Maltese Islands outlined that they observed
ive following the ecotour organised as part of the re- little terrestrial fauna save for the fresh water crab (Pot-
search. A non-probability sampling technique was used amon fluviatile lanfrancoi). However, they did not ex-
whereby individuals who presented themselves to the press disappointment. The observation of species which
ecotours were asked to participate. are considered as charismatic such as the fresh water
In addition, 174 in-depth and semi-structured inter- crab and birds in Malta, loggerhead turtles (Carretta