Page 4 - Agius_Theuma_Deidun(2018)
P. 4
Does Absence of Charismatic Species Impact the Ecotourism Potential of Central Mediterranean Islands? 156
Table 1: Distribution of stakeholders with whom interviews were held in the area of study.
Eco- Count/ Stakeholders
destination Percentage
Affected Resource Academics Government, NGOs Total
locals users agencies, interviews
Aegadian Count 10 19 2 3 4 38
Islands Percentage 26.30% 50% 5.30% 7.90% 10.50% 100%
Pelagian Count 2 12 3 1 5 23
Islands Percentage 8.70% 52.20% 13% 4.30% 21.70% 100%
Count 3 12 5 8 3 31
Percentage 9.70% 38.70% 16.10% 25.80% 9.70% 100%
Maltese Count 4 22 9 28 16 79
Islands Percentage 5.06% 27.80% 11.39% 35.44% 20.30% 100%
Count 0 1 0 1 1 3
Percentage 0% 33.30% 0% 33.30% 33.30% 100%
Count 19 66 19 41 29 174
Percentage 10.90% 37.90% 10.90% 23.60% 16.70% 100%
caretta) and birds on Lampedusa and deer and mou- revisit the ecodestination. The high rate of satisfaction
flons on Marettimo did leave a positive impact on the can also be confirmed by the fact that out of the 66 eco-
satisfaction of ecotourists. tourists who participated in the ecotour, 28 ecotourists
On the other hand, disappointment expressed by eco- participated in more than one ecotour and others revis-
tourists did not refer to lack of wildlife sightings but to ited the ecodestinations on their own convincing other
other factors. The predominant reasons expressed by friends to join them.
those who felt that that the ecotour did not fulfil their Even if absence of wildlife sightings were not con-
expectations was related to the desire to immerse more sidered as a limiting factor by ecotourists, charismatic
in nature especially in Malta where the island has be- species such as bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus)
come very urbanised, long waiting times due for trans- and turtles are used as target species to promote excur-
port services and the constant need to use transport ser- sions especially on the Pelagian Islands. Specific excur-
vices especially on relatively bigger islands such as Pan- sions which include diving are organised around the islet
telleria and Malta. This was followed by the desire for of Lampione to observe juvenile grey sharks (Carchar-
more marine ecotourism activities such as snorkelling, hinus griseus). Such excursions are often a success and
which at times were impeded by the presence of jelly- ecotourists do encounter marine megafauna due to the
fish. It was argued that too much emphasis was made on abundance of marine life. Specific excursions to islets
botanical aspects and that more attention needs to be such as Filfla are also organised to observe avifauna
placed on the marine environment and related activit- which are rare or have a limited distribution such as
ies. Other reasons included that aspects of the tour such the Mediterranean storm petrel (Hydrobates pelagicus)
as accommodation did not reflect ecotourism principles along with other marine targets such as dolphins. Shear-
and that some islands such as Malta were too geared for water boat trips are also organised along cliffs to observe
mass tourism. Scopoli’s Shearwater (Calonectris diomedea) ‘rafting’ on
The majority of those who participated in the eco- the water before returning to their nests.
tours organised as part of the research had already par- Excursions organised normally incorporate not only
ticipated in other ecotours either as part of the research target species but also visiting related venues or related
or on their own initiative. The majority said that their interpretation centres. For example in the case of Maret-
expectations, as identified prior to the ecotour, had been timo where the endangered monk seal (Monachus mon-
fulfilled. Following the ecotour, the absolute majority of achus) has been spotted after a long period of time a
respondents said that they were willing to visit another particular approach is adopted whereby the monk seal
ecodestination for a holiday including a central Mediter- observation centre and spots usually frequented by such
ranean island. Furthermore, ecotourists said that they species including coastal caves are visited. Meanwhile,
would recommend the ecodestination they had visited sightings are very rare and have been limited to scientific
to their friends for their next holiday. Ecotourists also studies. In the case of the Pelagian Islands, visits are
expressed willingness to participate in future ecotours or made to the rescue centres, nesting sites and trips are