Page 4 - Agostini_alii_2007
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MARCH 2007                       SHORT COMMUNICATIONS                             59

         Table 1.  Number of flocks of European Honey-buzzards  Table 2.  Number of flocks of European Honey-buzzards
         recorded, and number of hours observed, 25 April–20 May  recorded, and number of hours observed at migration
         2004, at migration stations at Pantelleria and Marettimo  stations, 25 April–20 May 2004, at the Straits of Messina
         islands, central Mediterranean Basin, as a function of  and Panarea Island, central Mediterranean Basin, as
         prevailing wind direction and time of day.  a function of prevailing wind direction and time of day.

                         FLOCKS *{      HOURS *                     FLOCKS *{       HOURS
                       PANTEL-  MARET-  PANTEL-  MARET-          STRAITS OF     STRAITS OF
         Prevailing winds                           Prevailing winds
           N-NNE         96     14     39     42      N-NNE        594     127    135    146
           W-WNW-NW     111     67    123    107      WSW-SW-SSW   124     68      39     35
           WSW-SW-SSW     9     24     78     30    Time of day
         Time of day                                  Morning      244     82     101     82
           Morning       28     10     88     52      Midday       327     70      98    103
           Midday        42     62     99     78      Afternoon    224     74      68     68
           Afternoon    146     37     78     49
                                                    * 5 P , 0.05 for prevailing winds.
         * 5 P , 0.05 for prevailing winds.         { 5 P , 0.05 for time of day.
         { 5 P , 0.05 for time of day.
         gration showed an evident peak during the afternoon at  5 2, P , 0.05; Table 2). Among flocks recorded at Pa-
         Pantelleria and during midday at Marettimo (x 2 5 47.19,  narea, at least 31 (13.7%), containing 1290 (30%) birds,
         df 5 2, P , 0.01; Table 1).                bypassed the island, flying directly toward Stromboli, ap-
           Straits of Messina–Panarea. 795 flocks were recorded  parently coming from the island of Salina (Fig. 1). They
         at the Straits of Messina (in 267 hr of observation), 226  were seen using soaring flight over the sea, probably flying
         flocks at Panarea (in 253 hr of observation), and 186 and  in thermals deviated over water by the wind (see also Agos-
         88 birds migrated alone at the two sites, respectively. Flocks  tini et al. 2005a) but, apparently, their altitude was never
         contained 11 509 and 4210 birds, with an average flock size  higher than our observation post.
         of 14.2 6 0.6 (SE) and 20.1 6 2.2 (SE) birds, respectively  Finally, it is interesting to note that the proportion of
         (maximum flock size was 227 at Panarea). In this region,  flocks reported during south-westerly winds was higher at
         prevailing winds were from N-NNE and WSW-SW-SSW. Al-  the Straits of Messina–Panarea than at Marettimo–Pantel-
         though at both sites European Honey-buzzards were seen  leria (x 2 5 27.29, df 5 1, P , 0.01, Table 3), although,
         mostly during N-NNE winds, the proportion of flocks re-  during such wind conditions, a greater proportion of the
         corded at Panarea during south-westerly winds (34.9%, N  hours of observation was made at the last two locations (x 2
         5 195) was higher than that recorded at the Straits of  5 15.27, df 5 1, P , 0.01, Table 3).
         Messina during such atmospheric conditions (17.3%, N
         5 718; x 2 5 27.33, df 5 1, P , 0.01, Table 2). The circa-  DISCUSSION
         dian variation of the migratory flow differed at the two  European Honey-buzzards crossing the southern and
         sites; the peak occurred during midday at the Straits of  northern side of the Channel of Sicily, via Pantelleria
         Messina, during the morning at Panarea (x 2 5 7.65, df  and Marettimo, used the same pathways they did during

         Table 3.  Number of flocks of European Honey-buzzards recorded, and number of hours observed, 25 April–20 May
         2004, at the two study areas during south-westerly and other wind directions.

                                        FLOCKS *                          HOURS *
                               STRAITS OF       MARETTIMO–        STRAITS OF     MARETTIMO-
         Prevailing winds
           Other winds           603               292              446             336
           WSW-SW-SSW            192                33               74             108
         * 5 P , 0.05 for prevailing winds.
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