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MARCH 2007                       SHORT COMMUNICATIONS                             61

         LITERATURE CITED                           ———, ———, L. COCCHI,R. MOLAJOLI,C.CARDELLI,M.
         AGOSTINI, N. 1992. Spring migration of Honey Buzzards  GUSTIN, AND L. BAGHINO. 2006. Spring migration of
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         ——— AND D. LOGOZZO. 1998. Primi dati sulla migrazione  Raptor Res. 40:244–246.
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         ———, G. MALARA,F. NERI, AND D. MOLLICONE. 1994a. La  CRAMP,S. AND K.E.L. SIMMONS. 1980. The birds of the west-
            migrazione primaverile del Falco pecchiaiolo Pernis api-  ern Palearctic. Vol. II. Oxford Univ. Press, Oxford, U.K.
            vorus a Cap Bon (Tunisia) e sullo Stretto di Messina.  GUSTIN,M. AND A. SORACE. 2004. Is the Conero promonto-
            Proc. Ital. Ornithol. Conf. 6:451–452.     ry, central Italy, an important bridge for migrant rap-
         ———, ———, ———, ———, AND S. MELOTTO. 1994b.    tors entering eastern Europe in spring? Br. Birds
            Flight strategies of Honey Buzzards during spring mi-  97:403–406.
            gration across the Central Mediterranean. Avocetta  HURLBERT, S.J. 1984. Pseudoreplication and the design of
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         ——— AND M. PANUCCIO. 2005. Analysis of the spatial mi-  KERLINGER, P. 1989. Flight strategies of migrating hawks.
            gration patterns of adult Honey Buzzards (Pernis api-  Univ. of Chicago Press, Chicago, IL U.S.A.
            vorus) during spring and autumn in the Central Med-  PANUCCIO, M., N. AGOSTINI, AND B. MASSA. 2004. Spring
            iterranean. Ring 27:29–34.                 raptor migration at Ustica, southern Italy. Br. Birds
         ———, ———, AND B. MASSA. 2005a. Flight behaviour of  97:400–403.
            Honey Buzzards (Pernis apivorus) during spring migra-  PREMUDA, G., U. MELLONE, AND L. COCCHI. 2004. Osserva-
            tion over the sea. Buteo 14:3–9.           zioni sulle modalita` della migrazione primaverile dei
         ———, G. PREMUDA,U.MELLONE,M. PANUCCIO,D. LO-  rapaci a Capo d’Otranto. Avocetta 28:33–36.
            GOZZO,E.BASSI, AND L. COCCHI. 2005b. Influence of
            wind and geography on orientation behavior of adult
            Honey Buzzards Pernis apivorus during migration over
            water. Acta Ornithol. 40:71–74.         Received 13 July 2006; accepted 24 October 2006
                                                    Associate Editor: James C. Bednarz
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