Page 24 - Klaoudatos_Kapiris_2016
P. 24

Figure 13.  The female specimen of Xanthias lamarckii from Chtenia, Rhodes (carapace length 11.3
                   mm, carapace width 17.8 mm), just fixed in ethanol (A, dorsal view; B, ventral view, C, frontal view)
                   and the external face of the right chela (length 9.9 mm),  showing the three granular furrows (D).
                   White bar 10 mm. (Corsini-Foka et al., 2013).

                   Actaea savignii
                   The recently discovered Actaea savignii (Milne Edwards, 1834) off Israel and Turkey
                   (Karhan et al., 2013)  (Fig. 14)  is the second alien xanthid crab recorded from the
                   Mediterranean except Atergatis roseus (Rüppell, 1830) a species first collected off
                   Israel in 1961 and now common along the Levantine coast (Galil, 2011). The recent
                   record of the Levantine populations of Actaea savignii is a testament to the on-going
                   Erythraean invasion of the Mediterranean Sea.
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