Page 25 - Klaoudatos_Kapiris_2016
P. 25

Figure 14. Actaea savignii (H. Milne Edwards, 1834) A, C, D, male, cw 18.3 mm, cl 14 mm; B, female,
                   cw 12.8 mm, cl 9.6 mm; A, B, live specimens; C, D, male specimen as above, freshly preserved; A – C,
                   dorsal view; D, frontal view. Photographs by S.Ü. Karhan. (Karhan et al., 2013).

                   Matuta victor
                   Of the 34  Indo-Pacific  alien decapod  crustaceans  species recorded  off the Israeli
                   coast, 4 are known from single specimens and 5 more are rarely found, but the
                   remainder have established large populations and some are more prominent in the
                   Levant than in their native habitats in the Red Sea.
                          Matutidae is a family of crabs, sometimes called moon crabs,  adapted for
                   swimming or digging. Moon crabs are carnivorous and facultative scavengers, their
                   diet composed primarily of crustaceans and  molluscs, with smaller individuals
                   feeding on smaller, softer-shelled species, whereas large size classes prey on shelled
                   sessile or slow-moving species such as anomurans, bivalves and gastropods (Perez
                   and Bellwood 1988). As a predator of slow-moving benthic  invertebrates,  Matuta
                   victor (Fig. 15) may influence the abundance and distribution of its prey items was it
                   to achieve numerical abundance in Levantine sandy shores. (Galil and Mendelson,
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