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BMC Evolutionary Biology 2008, 8:56                  

            standard deviation of 0.003. This normal distribution
            thus covered the relevant range from 0.3% to 1% substitu-  Additional material
            tions per site per My. We conducted two independent runs
            of 100 × 10 generations and combined the results with  Additional file 1
            LogCombiner 1.4.4, after discarding the first 50 × 10 gen-
            erations from the two runs as burnin. Results were   Localities, specimen and voucher data and locality data. Contains
                                                                 locality numbers as in Fig. 1, including geographic coordinates, GenBank
            checked using the program Tracer1.4.                 accession numbers for the mitochondrial control region, the 16S rRNA,
                                                                 the RAG1-gene and the tropomyosine intron.
            Morphometric analyses                                Click here for file
            We measured most (20 out of 22) of the morphometric  [
            traits described by Castellano  and Giacoma  [39]. As in  2148-8-56-S1.pdf]
            that paper, we only included male toads: 17 from North
                                                                 Additional file 2
            Africa (from Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt; collection
                                                                 Nomenclature. This text (a) proposes vernacular names for Bufo siculus
            ZFMK), 21 males of the new species from Sicily and the
                                                                 n.sp., (b) clarifies its etymology, (c) discusses synonymy and appropriate-
            population means published by Castellano and Giacoma  ness of this new name according to International Code of Zoological
            [39] on 118 male green toads from six populations from  Nomenclature, and (d) discusses the applicability of the name Bufo bal-
            the Apennine Peninsula and NW-Italy [Vado L. (N = 18),  earicus Boettger, 1880. The file includes references [96] to [104].
            Pellice (N = 45), Isolabella (N = 13), Maremma (N = 21),  Click here for file
            Calopezzati (N = 11), Leverano (N = 10)] and 56 male
            toads from the islands of Corsica [Cirindinu (N = 18)]
            and Sardinia [Barratz (N = 19), Portoscuso (N = 19)]. In  Additional file 3
            the discriminant analyses, we initially included all 20 var-  Green toads of other circum-Sicilian islands. These are short biogeo-
            iables. However, as this number of variables probably rep-  graphic comments on green toads on Circum-Sicilian islands referencing
            resents an over-parameterization of  a discriminant  the relevant literature. The file includes references [105] to [110].
            analysis with this number of specimens, we later reduced  Click here for file
            this number to five variables to test for its effect. For statis-  [
            tical analyses, the program SPSS 11.0 for Windows was
            used.                                                Additional file 4
                                                                 Type description. A verbal morphological description of the holotype of
            Abbreviations                                        Bufo siculus n.sp. and a table containing morphometric data for the hol-
            HPD = high probability density interval, mtDNA = mito-  otype and two adult paratypes. The file includes reference [111].
            chondrial DNA; MRCA = most recent common ancestor,   Click here for file
            My =  Million years, Mya =  million years ago;  MVZ =  2148-8-56-S4.pdf]
            Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, University of California,
            Berkeley, USA; ZFMK = Zoologisches Forschungsinstitut  Additional file 5
            und Museum Alexander Koenig, Bonn, Germany; MZPA =   Permits. Contains data for five collection permits for this study.
            Zoological Museum of Palermo University, Italy; NME =  Click here for file
            Naturkundemuseum Erfurt, Germany; ZMB – Naturkun-    [
            demuseum of the Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany.  2148-8-56-S5.pdf]

            Authors' contributions
            MLoV, AS, MSt initiated collaboration; AS, MLoV, MSt,
            NMB performed field  work; MSt, AS, SLoB sequenced  Acknowledgements
                                                                This work was supported by a research fellowship (Sto 493/1-2) from the
            mtDNA;  MSt cloned and sequenced nuclear DNA, per-
                                                                Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) to M. Stöck and by the University
            formed karyotyping,  phylogenetic  analyses; MSt, MLoV
                                                                of California, Berkeley (Craig Moritz and David Wake), partly by the Uni-
            performed morphometric analyses and bioacoustics;
                                                                versity of Palermo through founds of M. Arculeo, and partly by the MURST
            SLoB, MA, MSt, and DB performed demographic analyses,  grant to M. Lo Valvo. A.S. and M.St. are grateful to many colleagues who
            DB performed divergence time estimates, MSt drafted the  helped in the field and/or provided samples (Additional file 1): Lara Bassu,
            article and all author's provided text and improvements.  Franco Bernini, Nicola Bressi, Agostino D'Amico, Michel Delaugerre,
            All authors read and approved the final manuscript.  Tiziano Fattizzo, David Fiacchini, Gabriele Giacalone, Gaia Fior, Carlo
                                                                Fonda, Daniel Frynta, Francesco Lillo, Federico Marrone, Mario Marconi,
                                                                Jordi Muntaner, Giusi Nicolini, Andreas Nöllert, Nazzareno Pollini, Joan
                                                                Pretus, Antonio Romano, Roberto Sindaco, Giuseppe Sotgiu, and Ulrich
                                                                Scheidt. We thank Uwe Fritz for helping to find collaborators when the first
                                                                author looked for colleagues from Sicily. We are grateful to Allison Bidlack,
                                                                who transferred live toads from Italy to California. Italian and San Francisco

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