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Fishery management in the Channel of Sicily                                     421

                             Table 4. Number of Sicilian fishing vessels
                             in the ports of the Channel of Sicily by power

                                               classes (2004).

                             Power classes (kW)                         No.  %

                             Up to 49.99                            428       39.63
                             50–99.99                               184       17.04
                             150–199.99                               87        8.06
                             200–299.99                             101         9.35
                             300 and over                           138       12.78
                             Total                                  142       13.15
                                                                   1080      100.00

                             Source: Our processing on the EU Fishing Fleet
                             Register database.

                             Table 5. Number of Sicilian fishing vessels
                             in the ports of the Channel of Sicily by age of

                                          the hull classes (2004).

                             Age classes                           No.       %

                             Up to 4 yr                33                       3.06
                             5–9 yr                    28                       2.59
                             10–14 yr                  60                       5.56
                             15–19 yr                130                      12.04
                             20–24 yr                137                      12.69
                             25 and over             634                      58.70
                             Unknown                   58                       5.37
                             Total                  1080                     100.00

                             Source: Our processing on the EU Fishing Fleet
                             Register database.

and gillnets, used exclusively—or in alternation with other methods—by 82.9% of vessels
(see table 6).

   It is worth pointing out that only 9.2% of vessels use a variety of fishing gear; regarding the
use of one type of gear only, the most commonly used is bottom otter trawls (39.5% of vessels,

Table 6. Sicilian fishing fleet in the ports of the Channel of Sicily by fishing segments (2004).

Fishing segments             No. vessels %                                Tonnage (GRT)  Engine power (kW)
                                                                        x¯ S CV          x¯ S CV
Small-scale coastal <12 m
Bottom trawlers in coastal   182 16.85 3.39 2.17 0.64 23.95 24.74 1.03
                             213 19.72 57.31 46.49 0.81 212.99 131.20 0.62
Small purse seiners          502 46.48 11.02 15.46 1.40 74.18 82.92 1.12
Polyvalents in coastal zone   90 8.33 48.23 208.21 4.32 39.89 118.02 2.96
Bottom trawlers in            62 5.74 169.15 40.99 0.24 502.82 183.25 0.36

   mediterranean zone            8            0.74                 136.57    50.93    0.37 490.39   252.78   0.52
Polyvalents non trawlers         7            0.65                  97.15    60.77    0.63 375.70   199.63   0.53
Tuna purse seiners              15            1.39                 347.23    90.57    0.26 1027.25  352.24   0.34
Trawlers and purse seiners       1            0.09                    1.67    0.00    0.00 14.70             0.00
Not covered by IV MAGP       1080          100.00                   37.18    62.92    1.69 147.09      0.00  1.32
Total                                                                                               194.12

Source: Our processing on the EU Fishing Fleet Register database.
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