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426 V. Borsellino et al.

Figure 3. Tunisian vessels divided by fishing technique (2003).

               Table 11. Fishermen on Tunisian fishery (2003).

                                      % of northern            % on total

Governorships                 No. fishermen Governorships Governorships

Jendouba e Beja                  809     8.4                       1.5
Bizerte                         4813   50.2                        9.0
Ariana                           223     2.3                       0.4
Tunis e Ben Arous               1291   13.5                        2.4
Nabeul                          2461   25.6                        4.6
Total northern Governorships    9597  100.0                      17.9
Others Governorships          43 941                             82.1
Total Tunisian fishers         53 538                            100.0

Source: ICE Tunisi.

Figure 4. Employment percentages according to type of fishing, amongst the fishing population of governorships
in the north (2003).

4. Micro-economic analysis of the companies in question

4.1 Data collection

Micro-economic data on fishing companies from a judgement sample of companies operating
in the Channel of Sicily was collected thanks to the assistance of on-the-spot experts, such
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