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Fishery management in the Channel of Sicily                   431

Table 14. Annual economic productivity indicators of fishing companies under examination (average value in
                                                     Euro per vessel. 2003).

                           Bottom otter trawls            Mid-      Longlines  Purse     Gillnets
                                                          water                seines      and
                                                           pair                            pots

Indicators        Mazara        P.              Sciacca   Sciacca   Marsala    Trapani   Mazara
                   del V.  Empedocle                                                      del V.

Revenue      x¯ 2710.06    3132.38              3369.25   4123.41   1907.15    3042.13   13 090.48
                           1876.57               362.01    638.14    372.28     686.16     4080.99
GT S 1009.52                                        0.11      0.15      0.20       0.23        0.31
             CV 0.37       1886.45              2022.65   2659.86   1212.03    2013.28   11 775.18
                           1196.20               251.96    434.94    213.21     422.99     3796.14
Value added x¯ 1335.65                              0.12      0.16      0.18       0.21        0.32
                               0.63              721.31              533.93     581.25
GT S 513.81                 832.22               147.01   1010.50    128.15       82.29  11 775.18
                            541.35                  0.20   180.16       0.24       0.14    3796.14
             CV 0.38                                          0.18                             0.32
Net income x¯     459.73

GT S 239.93

             CV 0.52

Table 15. Daily economic productivity indicators of fishing companies under examination (average value in
                                                    Euro per vessel. 2003).

                           Bottom otter trawls            Mid-      Longlines  Purse     Gillnets
                                                          water                seines      and
                                                           pair                            pots

                  Mazara   P.                                                                 Mazara
                                                                               Trapani del V.
Indicators        del V. Empedocle Sciacca Sciacca                  Marsala

Revenue       x¯  15.40    17.75                19.64     24.94         13.17  22.91     108.86
GT*days       S    5.75    10.20                 2.16      3.83          2.18   5.44      33.59
             CV    0.37                          0.11      0.15          0.17   0.24        0.31
Value added   x¯   7.57     0.57                                         8.46             97.92
GT*days       S    2.78    10.67                11.79     16.09          1.83  15.42      31.30
             CV    0.37                          1.53      2.61          0.22   4.64        0.32
Net income    x¯   2.59     6.49                 0.13      0.16          3.70   0.30      97.92
GT*days       S    1.24     0.61                 4.21      6.11          0.92   4.38      31.30
             CV    0.48     4.70                 0.92      1.08          0.25   0.68        0.32
                            2.93                 0.22      0.18                 0.15

  The parameters on fishing effort taken into consideration are not the only factors affecting
the economic productivity of each of the fishing systems. There are other factors, such as
the fishing zone, the expertise of the Captain and crew, the number of boats, the type of
commercialization used, prevailing market prices, etc. An examination of the various systems
of fishing shows that the small-scale fishing companies (with small catches—approx 10 kg
per boat) offer a high quality product both as far as the type of fish is concerned (white fish
and fine-quality shellfish) and the quality of the fish (not subject to refrigeration processes
before being brought to market).

  The indicators of economic productivity relating to purse seining and pair trawling can
be explained partially by the high levels of oily fish caught (although market prices remain
modest) and partially by the fact that activity is restricted by the limited fishing season for this
type of fish.

  The trawling sector, characterized by large catches, differs in economic productivity accord-
ing to the port under examination: on the one hand, Mazara del Vallo, whose economic
productivity is affected by low prices offered for a catch (this latter has undergone on board
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