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428 V. Borsellino et al.

            Table 12. Technical characteristics of fishing fleet under investigation (2003).

Indicators  Trapani      Marsala   Mazara    Mazara    Sciacca  Sciacca                     P. Empedocle
            (n = 4)      (n = 9)     del V.    del V.  (n = 9)  (n = 6)                       (n = 11)
Gross        Purse      Longlines  (n = 16)  (n = 11)  Bottom                                  Bottom
   tonnage   seines                Bottom    Gillnets            Mid-                            otter
   (GT)                              otter      and     otter    water                          trawls
                                    trawls     pots     trawls    pair
Gross                                                            trawls                          56.45
   tonnage                                                                                       26.81
   (GRT)     x¯ 80.5     92.14     134.13       1.18    46.22    35
             S 70.6      54.75      29.41       0.6       6.96     5.29                            0.48
Overall     CV 0.88                   0.22      0.51      0.15     0.15                          45.63
   length    x¯ 66.75      0.59                 2.69                                             20.53
   (m)       S 59.72     64.61     125.6        0.79    35.57    25.63
            CV 0.89      38.92      36.42       0.29      6.18     7.29                            0.45
Engine       x¯ 25.28                 0.29      4.3       0.17     0.28                          21.04
   Power     S 8.54        0.6      28.83       0.9
   (kW)     CV 0.34      23.36        2.56      0.21    19.39    18.16                             3.55
             x¯ 319.75                0.09    21.55       1.41     1.75                            0.17
Age of       S 273.92      5.01                 9.97      0.07     0.1                          208.23
   hull     CV 0.86        0.21    351.48       0.46                                             70.06
   (years)   x¯ 30.5    235        126.57     27.33    179.37   172.92                             0.34
             S 18.57     57.89                  5.72    44.11    78.72                           37.82
Days at     CV 0.61        0.25       0.36      0.21      0.25     0.46                            6.91
   sea       x¯ 135      17         24.5     120.09     33.56    26                                0.18
             S 30.28       9.52                 1.04    14.04    17.56                          175
Units of    CV 0.22        0.56       9.4       0.01      0.42     0.68                            8.66
   crew      x¯ 11.25   145           0.38      1                                                  0.05
             S 4.86      18.48     176.06       0      171.67   165.33                             3.82
            CV 0.43        0.13       6.22      0         5        0.52                            0.4
                           5.86       0.04                0.03     0                               0.11
                           1.68       7.5                 3.67     4
                           0.29       0.82                0.5      0
                                      0.11                0.14     0

(1.18 GT per vessel and 21.55 kW per vessel), 11 one-man vessels (equal to 12.98 GT) working
on small-scale fishing with gillnets and pots.

   The sample from Sciacca is made up of several companies that trawl (nine boats equal to
415.98 GT) and others that fish with a pelagic pair trawl system (six boats equal to 210.00 GT).
The technical characteristics, however, are similar (respectively 46.22 GT per vessel and
35.00 GT per vessel in terms of tonnage, 179.37 kW per vessel and 172.92 kW per vessel
in terms of power). Finally, the companies studied in Porto Empedocle (11 boats for a total of
620.95 GT) fish with trawlers that are just a little larger than those in Sciacca (56.45 GT per
vessel and 208.23 kW per vessel).

   Data on the average age of the fishing fleet (which fluctuates between a minimum of 17 yr
for the small craft of Mazara, and a maximum of 38 yr for those in Porto Empedocle) show
that the boats are becoming increasingly obsolete.

   As far as the levels of activity are concerned, in 2003 average figures registered between
120 d per vessel for the small-scale fishing of Mazara and 175 d per vessel for the trawlers
of Porto Empedocle. Small-scale fishing is characterized by low operative levels since its
ship-owners/fishermen are employed in other supplementary activities during the course of
the year.

4.3 Economic results

Analysis of the data gives a clear outline of the assets and liabilities regarding the balance
sheets [18] of the fishing companies from the ports involved in the research (see table 13).

   The highest revenues, calculated on the basis of the total quantity of fish unloaded and
sold, are those of the trawling companies in Mazara del Vallo (¤347 764 per vessel). Such
high revenues are proportional to the high capital investment and the high risks attached to
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