Page 4 - Basso_et_al_2011_Phycologia_L_crispatum
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Basso et al.: Lithothamnion crispatum Hauck 147

dorsiventrally organised (Fig. 1); haustoria are unknown.         (Fig. 15). Each pore is bordered by six to seven rosette cells
In the lectotype, a crustose portion of the thallus is 200–       (Figs 15, 16).
500 mm thick, with a hypothallium (ventral region) 50–
100 mm thick, composed of plumose filaments running                  The features of the multiporate conceptacle chamber in
more or less parallel to the thallus surface (Figs 2, 3). The     the lectotype are evident in the various representative
mean size of hypothallial cells is 19 mm in length and            specimens examined, showing some additional details and
10 mm in diameter. The ventral filaments curve toward the         the complete range of biometric variability of the species
thallus surface to form a zoned perithallium (peripheral          (Figs 17–26). In the Mediterranean material, the size of
region). Perithallial cells measure 4.5–23.5 mm in length         multiporate conceptacle chambers spans 270–720 mm in
and 7–18 mm in diameter (Fig. 4). Epithallial cells occur         diameter and 100–315 mm in height. Remains of sterile
singly: they are flattened and flared (Figs 5, 6) and             filaments in mature conceptacles (Figs 19, 20), presumed to
measure 3–5.5 mm in length and 7–14.5 mm in diameter.             be originally interspersed among tetra/bisporangia, persist
Subepithallial initials longer or as long as their inward         after tetra/bispores have been shed. Conceptacle roofs are
derivatives (Fig. 6), Cells of adjacent hypothallial and          slightly protruding above or flush with surrounding thallus
perithallial filaments connected by cell fusions (Figs 1–4).      surface. Variably raised rims are present or absent (Figs 17,
Secondary pit connections and trichocytes have not been           21; Basso 1995, pl. 5, fig. 5 as L. philippii; Bressan &
observed. Data on measured characters in the lectotype            Babbini 2003: 164, fig. D). Roofs of mature tetra/
are summarized in Table 1.                                        bisporangial conceptacles in surface view are pitted with
                                                                  depressions (Figs 17, 18, 21), resulting from the disintegra-
   Features evident in the lectotype are also present in the      tion of the uppermost rosette cells surrounding the pore
various representative specimens examined. Plants are             canal. Each pore canal is bordered by five to seven rosette
nongeniculate, attached or unattached as rhodoliths,              cells in surface view (Figs 17, 21, 22). Depressions over pore
forming more or less globose or irregularly shaped thalli         canals locally reduce the roof thickness (Figs 23, 24).
(Figs 7–9). Crustose portions of plants and lamellae are          Filaments lining the pore canals of mature conceptacles
monomerous, dorsiventrally organized and have similar             usually two to three cells long. As described for the
features and proportions (but greater ranges) of hypothal-        lectotype, they are composed of an uppermost disintegrated
lial and perithallial filaments, subepithallial and epithallial   cell (Figs 23–26), a wedge-shaped cell and one or two squat
cells (Figs 10–12). Data on measured characters are               to elongate cells (Fig. 26).
summarized in Table 1.
                                                                     The lectotype specimen lacked gametangial material.
   As in the lectotype (Cabioch & Mendoza 1998, fig. 28),         Gametangial plants from representative material are,
all the other Mediterranean and western Atlantic rhodoliths       however, dioecious. Spermatangial (male) conceptacles are
(da No´ brega Farias 2009; da No´ brega Farias et al. 2010        uniporate with mature conceptacle roofs slightly raised
and this study) possess cylindrical protuberances flaring         above the surrounding thallus surface (Figs 27, 28). Male
distally into curly margined, funnel-like or cup-shaped tips      conceptacles chambers measure 297–450 mm in diameter
(Figs 7–9, see also Hauck 1878, pl. 3, figs 1, 2; Bressan &       and 135–198 mm in height, with a pore canal up to 207 mm
Babbini 2003, p. 164, figs A, C, E). In some Mediterranean        long and 60 mm in diameter. Spermatangial systems are
specimens, a zone of large perithallial cells occasionally        borne on the floor, walls and roof of the mature male
occurs at the surface (Fig. 10).                                  conceptacle chamber. Those across the chamber floor are
                                                                  dendroid (branched) while those on the walls and roof are
  REPRODUCTIVE ANATOMY: In the lectotype one single               simple (unbranched) (Figs 28, 29).
buried and empty tetra/bisporangial conceptacle was detect-
ed (Fig. 13). The conceptacle chamber is 306 mm in diameter          Presumed female/carposporangial conceptacles are unipo-
and 153 mm high. Tetraspores and bispores were not                rate with mature chambers measuring 477–675 mm in diameter
observed. The conceptacle roof is slightly protruding above       and 243–297 mm in height and pore canals up to 216 mm in
the surrounding thallus surface, 20–50 mm thick, and              length and 54 mm in diameter (Fig. 30). Although empty, they
composed of four to six layers of cells (Figs 13, 14). A          are considered as carposporangial since their diameter is much
section through the roof shows depressions on top of pore         larger than that described for the female conceptacle of L.
canals and surrounding pore cells (Fig. 14). Filaments lining     superpositum (Keats et al. 2000; Harvey et al. 2003).
the pore canals differ from other roof cell filaments in usually
consisting of only two to three cells: the uppermost is a         DISCUSSION
disintegrated cell, which overlies a wedge-shaped cell and one
or two lowermost squat to elongate cells (Figs 13, 14). An        Tetrasporangial conceptacle roof pitted with depressions,
immature tetra/bisporangial conceptacle in surface view           originating from degeneration of uppermost cells in
shows depressions resulting from disintegration of the            filaments bordering the pore canals, is a unique diagnostic
uppermost cell of the filaments surrounding the pore canal        feature which distinguishes L. crispatum Hauck from other

   Fig. 4. Longitudinal section showing cell fusions (arrows) between cells of adjacent perithallial filaments. LM photograph, EE3 slide
   10. Scale bar 5 25 mm.
   Fig. 5. Surface view of epithallial cells showing median lamella (arrow). SEM photograph, stub 8506b1C. Scale bar 5 20 mm.
   Fig. 6. From bottom to top: upper perithallial cells, subepithallial initials (i) and flared epithallial cells (e). Note fusions (arrow) between
   cells of adjacent perithallium filaments. LM photograph, EA2 slide 4. Scale bar 5 25 mm.
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