Page 11 - Berni_1997
P. 11

A comribution to the  history of Bacillus in  Sicily

   B.  lynceorum and the hybrid B.  rossius-grandii grandii.  It is  very difficult to recognize this
   hybrid because it is morphologically similar to Bacillus whitei (Failla et al.,  1994: 22).  This
   taxon,  doubted  by  some  authors,  is  different  from  B.  whitei  in being  hybridogenetic  as
   opposed to parthenogenetic.  Consequently, while B.  whitei is completely free of males of B.
   grandii grandii for purposes of reproduction,  B.  rossius-grandii grandii requires continuous
   crosses  with  "progenitors".

     Figure 7.  Bacillus grand ii maretimi ~  three nymphs o n lentisk.

         A second - and  no  less  important - purpose concerns the  conservation of the  taxon B.
   grandi i grandii.  As previously stated,  this species  is  in serious risk of extinction.  W e may
   assume that the best method of conservation for the taxon is the protection of its environment:
   hedges  of bramble  bushes.  Unfortunately,  the  extensive  use  of fire  in  order  to  remove
   unwanted hedges  in the  lblean territory  is  a cause  of death for  this  insect.  lf these  natural
   barriers  were  to  be  destroyed  manually,  the  insect  would  a t  least  ha ve  the  possibility  of
   escape during the night.

                                                                            Phasmid Studi es.  6(1):  9
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