Page 12 - Berni_1997
P. 12

Simone  Berni

        The  hedge  problem  has  already  been discussed  in relation to  interventions  aimed  at
   protecting  natura!  enviromnents,  with WWF Italy  playing a  major role.  During  the  early
   1990s,  several thousand shrubs of Prunus,  Mynus,  Rubus,  Cistus,  Pyrus,  Crataegus,  Rosa,
   Pistacia, Erica and other characteristic plants of the Mediterranean enviromnent, w ere planted
   across Italy.  Thus, efforts are being made to re  vi ve a t least a part of a territory that bas been
   sorely impoverished in earlier decades  (Francescato,  1989).

                                                                     l) SYRACUSE
                                                                    2) PALAZZOLO ACREIDE
                                                                    3) CANICATTINI BAGNI
                                                       p            4) FLORIDIA
                                                                    5) NOTO
                                                                    6) River ANAPO
                                                                    7) River CASSI BILE

     Figure 8.  The Iblean area of Sicily.

        Biodiversity in a natura! envirorunent is the result of a long developmental process.  The
   most precious  aspect of the  resources  in a natura!  envirorunent is  provided by  the  endemie
   species,  that  is,  by  the  living  creatures  geographically  localized  and  currently  at  risk  of

   Phasmid  Studies,  6(1):  10
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