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the eastern Mediterranean sector while it is not affecting other sectors like the
Aeolian lslands (Giaccone et al. 1999) and Ustica Island (Catra, pers. obs.)
(Tyrrhenian Sea).

                                             Floristic list

Species are listed alphabetically within the three divisions Rhodophyta, Ochrophyta
and Chlorophyta. Each species is preceded by the phytogeographic region in which
it occurs, abbreviated as follows: A = Atlantic; Ab = boreo-Atlantic; Abt = boreo-

tropical Atlantic; AP = Atlanto-Pacific; APt =Atlanto-Pacific tropical; APtf =Atlanto-

Pacific cold temperate; At= Atlantic tropical; C = Cosmopolitan; CB= Circumboreal;
CBA = Circumboreo-austral; lA= Indo-Atlantic; IAtf = Indo-Atlantic coid temperate;
lP = Indo-Pacific; M = Mediterranean; P = Pantropical; SC = Subcosmopolitan.
After the name of each island the station(s) from which they are recorded, are
abbreviated as in Table 2. In square brackets the depth in metres (with Mi= Midlittoral
zone and O= biologica! zero), the season of collection (s = spring, a= autumn) and
the reproductive phenology (subscripted) (f = female gametophyte including
carposporophyte; g = monoecious gametophyte; m = male gametophyte, p =

plurilocular cysts, s = sporophyte, u = unilocular cysts, z = monosporangia), are

given. Encircled numbers referto papers in which the species was previously quoted:
CD= Giaccone (1970);@ =Giaccone & Sortino (1974);@ =Sortino et al. (1976);

@) = Giaccone et al. (1993). * = taxon newly reported from the Egadi islands.


M Acrodiscus vidovichii (Meneghini) Zanardini

BASIONYM: Chondrus vidovichii Meneghini 1841: 427 (type locality: Dalmatia, Adriatic Sea).
FAVIGNANA: PM [-7 s] . Q) . LEvANzo: Fa [-20 s. -30 a]; PS [-IO s, -20 s, -30 s]. Q) . MARITTIMo: <D Q).

lA Acrosorium ciliolatum (Harvey) Kylin

BASIONYM: Nitophyllum ciliolatum Harvey 1855: 549 (type locality: King George's Sound, Western

FAVIGNANA: PL [-5 a, -6 a]; PM [-7 s]; se [-15 S, -25 a]; So [O a, -IO sa, -20 sa, -30 sa]. (j) Q) Q)'

asA. venulosum. LEVANZO: Fa [-1 s, -20 s]; PS [-IO s,-20 s]. Q), asA. venulosum. MARETTIMo: Mu
[-25 a]; PB [-1 s, -10 a, -25 a]. Q), as A. venulosum.

P Aglaothamnion cordatum (B0rgesen) Feldmann-Mazoyer

BASIONYM: Cal/ithamnion cordatum BS'lrgesen 1909: lO-Il , figs 5, 6 (type locality: between St. John
and St. Thomas, Virgin lslands).
MAREJTIMO: Mu [Mi am]. <D , as A. neglectum.

lA Aglaothamnion tenuissimum (Bonnemaison) Feldmann-Mazoyer var. tenuis-

BASIONYM: Ceramium tenuissimum Bonnemaison 1828: 132 (type locality: Saint-Pol-de-Léon, Brest,
Saint Malo, Atlantic France).

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