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Migration of Pallid Harrier across the central Mediterranean

            East is clearly earlier than that in the central  Soc.Turkey 14: 2-5.
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            between the first week of April and 10th May  233.
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            April and about 15th May. This difference may  Bendini, L. 1983. Specie ornitiche inanellate in altri paesi e
            be related to the fact that many spring migrants  riprese in Italian sino al 1977 compreso. Bollettino
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            through the Strait of Messina in late April/early  Messina, southern Italy. Brit. Birds 94: 196-202.
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            often not apparent at Messina – hence it is not  Ferguson-Lees, J., & Christie, D. A. 2001. Raptors of the
                                                     World. Christopher Helm, London.
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            wintering areas, one much closer (perhaps in  East: a handbook of field identification. Poyser, London.
            Tunisia?) than the other. It may also be the case  Giordano, A. 1991.The migration of birds of prey and
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            Acknowledgments                        Iapichino, C., & Massa, B. 1989. The Birds of Sicily. BOU
                                                     Checklist No. 11,Tring.
            First and foremost, we wish to thank the Swiss association  Kisling, M., Horst, B., & Hein, C. 1994. Die Beobacthung des
            Fondation Ellis Elliot for their generous support of this and
                                                     Vogelzugs im Fruhjahr der Jahre 1990-1992 am Cap
            other research projects.We wish to thank the following for  Bon/Tunisien und bei Messina/Sizilien am Beispiel der
            data, references, discussion and general help in many ways:
                                                     Greifvogel, Kraniche und Storche. Naturschutzbund
            Giovanni Albarella, Daniele Aliffi, Dan Alon, Ian J. Andrews,  Deutschland.
            Marco Borioni, Valerio Cappello, Sergio Celesti, Gianluca
                                                   Panuccio, M., Agostini, A., & Massa, B. In prep. Is the island
            Chiofalo, José Luis Copete, Roberto Gildi, Anna Giordano,  of Ustica a hot-spot for the spring migration of
            Marcello Grussu, Ricard Gutiérrez, Marco Gustin, Cristoph
                                                     raptors? Brit. Birds.
            Hein, Carmelo Iapichino, Renzo Ientile, Lionel Maumary,  Shirihai, H., & Christie, D. A. 1992. Raptor migration at
            Kevin Mayer Giuliano Monterosso, Guido Premuda, Marco
                                                     Eilat. Brit. Birds 85: 141-186.
            Preziosi, Deborah Ricciardi, Lucia Romano, Michael  —,Yosef, R., Alon, D., Kirwan, G., & Spaar, R. 2000. Raptor
            Sammut, Nir Sapir, I. & Dicky van den Velde, and many
                                                     Migration in Israel and the Middle East.A summary of 30
            others. Special thanks are due to Rob G. Bijlsma, Metehan  years of field research. IBRC & IOC, Eilat.
            Ozen and Reuven Yosef for help with references and data.
                                                   Snow, D.W., & Perrins, C. M. (eds.) 1998. The Birds of the
            Filippo Corso’s help was invaluable in various ways, and he  Western Palearctic. Concise edition.Vol. 1. OUP, Oxford.
            produced the figures for this paper.
                                                   Stronach, N. R. H. 1991.Wintering harriers in Serengeti
                                                     National Park,Tanzania. Afr. J. Ecol. 29: 90-92.
            References                             Sutherland,W. J., & Brooks, D. J. 1981. Autumn migration of
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            Andrea Corso, Via Camastra, 10-96100 Siracusa, Sicily, Italy
            Carmela Cardelli, P.zza Santa Maria La Nuova, is 433-98100 Messina, Sicily, Italy
            246                                               British Birds 97 • May 2004 • 238-246
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