Page 7 - Corso_Cardelli _2004
P. 7
Migration of Pallid Harrier across the central Mediterranean
might be assumed to be a natural
stepping stone between Tunisia and
Sicily: six were counted during
March-May 2000, four in the
autumns of 1990-95 and none in the
autumns of 1996-2000. Nonetheless,
and following a recurring theme,
there were record counts from Malta
in 2001 and 2002, with up to nine
birds in spring and up to five in
autumn (Sammut, Montalto &
Bonavia pers. comm.).
Migration in the Middle East
In Israel, the maximum spring count
at Eilat, southern Israel, was 113 in
1985 (Shirihai & Christie 1992),
although the peak day count was 38
on 3rd April 1983 (28 males, 10
females). Typically, 2CY birds pass in
the second half of April, later than
adults. In fact, most of the birds
migrating through Israel in spring are
adults (Shirihai & Christie 1992); for
example, in spring 1994, 57 were
counted, all of which were adults
(Yosef 1996). The species is scarcer in
autumn at Eilat, but there are high
Fig. 7. Spring migration flyways of Pallid Harriers Circus macrourus
across the central Mediterranean.The main flyways are in red, the counts farther north, from the
thicker lines indicating the main routes. Secondary flyways are Northern Valleys/Kfar Qassem
marked in blue. Most of the birds leave Africa from northern surveys (see Alon et al. 2004), prob-
Tunisia (note the significance of Cap Bon (1)), pass over the Strait ably the highest for the Western
of Messina (2) and continue north and east from there (note the
importance of Capo d’Otranto (3)). Smaller numbers of Pallid Palearctic: a mean of 45 per year were
Harriers cross the Adriatic Sea farther north along the Italian recorded from 1990 to 1999,
coast, most of them from Mt Conero (4); while a few continue including an exceptional 129 in 1994
farther north still, or even use a route along the Tyrrhenian Sea. (Alon et al. 2004). The 1994 record
stood until autumn 2003, when fully
eastern Europe (Bortoli 1967). Of these, three 137 individuals were counted (Y. Perlman pers.
were recovered in Sicily, as follows (ringing comm.).
date/recovery date/recovery location): (i) adult, Significant numbers have also been recorded
8th April 1955/12th April 1955/Catania, south- in Jordan; for example, 15 were observed on
east Sicily; (ii) 8th April 1955/8th November 29th-30th September 1994 at Ghadir Burqu’
1957/Bagheria, northwest Sicily; and (iii) 7th (Andrews 1996), and 164 were logged from
April 1963/31st March 1967/Catania (Iapichino 24th September to 20th October at the same site
& Massa 1989). The other four recovered in in 1998 (Shirihai et al. 2000). In the Red Sea, at
Italy were at the Strait of Messina, on the Cal- the Bab el Mandab, 11 birds (three males) were
abrian side, during spring migration (Bendini recorded in autumn 1985 and 67 (15 males) in
1983). The numbers ringed at Cap Bon suggest 1987 (Welch & Welch 1988). At Borçka/Arhavi,
that regular passage is probably much greater northeast Pontics, Turkey, 133 were counted in
than limited observational data show, perhaps autumn 1976 (Andrews et al. 1977) but only 11
similar to that at Messina; it may also mean that in spring 1994 (Shirihai et al. 2000), while at
the wintering population in Tunisia is greater Belen Pass, southern Turkey, four were counted
then presently realised. in autumn 1976 (Sutherland & Brooks 1981).
There are few records from Malta, which At the Bosporus, where high counts would
244 British Birds 97 • May 2004 • 238-246