Page 2 - Corso_Cardelli _2004
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Migration of Pallid Harrier across the central Mediterranean
Fig. 1. Key migration routes between breeding (green) and wintering areas (blue) of Pallid Harriers
Circus macrourus. Note the importance of the Middle East during autumn migration, and of a
central Mediterranean route through Tunisia and southern Italy in the spring.
The Strait of Messina survey of Messina were carried out daily, from 1st April
Since 1986 (CC)/1990 (AC) we have partici- to 27th or 28th May, from sunrise until dusk
pated in the Strait of Messina survey, which was (approximately 7.00 am to 7.00 pm local time).
set up for the protection (from illegal shooting) Counts were made in all weather conditions
and counting of migrant raptors and storks (see (since raptor passage may be heavy even during
Corso 2001); this survey was initiated by the strong rain and mist) but several observation
Lega Italiana Protezione Uccelli (LIPU) and points were used, the choice depending on wind
organised and supported by the World Wide strength and direction; all these are in the
Fund for Nature (WWF) from 1990. From 1984 Messina town province and all but one are
to 1995, data were collected irregularly during along the Peloritani Mountains, from 100 m up
April-May (Giordano 1991; Zalles & Bildstein to 1,100 m above sea level. In strong southerly
2000; unpublished data), but from 1995 to 2001 winds, an observation point at sea level (Capo
inclusive we have both been permanent coun- Peloro, at the northeasternmost point of Sicily;
ters on this project, surveying raptors full-time plate 142) has been used. This site is good for
during April and May; data in these years are counting migrating harriers, since they tend to
from our counts, and those of other permanent use active flight and to follow the coastline
counters (G. Chiofalo, A. Giordano, D. Ricciardi more than other (larger) species, which are
and L. Romano). All our data on Pallid Harriers more dependent on the thermals which develop
from Messina come only from counts on the over land as it warms up.
Sicilian side of the Strait (since no detailed Data from other sites in the central Mediter-
comparison between Sicilian records and those ranean are chiefly from literature research and
from mainland Italy has yet been made, we do fellow raptor enthusiasts, but also include some
not include the latter). personal observations; while those for the Middle
From 1995 to 2001, observations at the Strait East were derived entirely from the literature.
British Birds 97 • May 2004 • 238-246 239