Page 3 - Corso_Cardelli _2004
P. 3

Migration of Pallid Harrier across the central Mediterranean

           Andrea Corso

                 140. The Strait of Messina, southern Italy, from Capo Peloro, at the northeastern tip of Sicily; this site is
                  good for counting migrant harriers Circus crossing the Strait, especially in poor weather (see text).

            Results                                spring 2001, when 132 were counted during
            Migration of Pallid Harriers at the    April-May (plus another 20 during February-
            Strait of Messina                      March), was clearly exceptional (Corso in
            Between 1984 and 2001, a total of 459 Pallid  prep.). Early migrants, in February-March, and
            Harriers were observed during the spring  those observed at nearby sites which are not
            migration (fig. 2). During this period, our data  part of the Messina project, are not included in
            show a marked increase in the numbers  fig. 2, so the true numbers using this flyway are
            recorded in spring, with a mean 6.7 birds per  clearly greater than fig. 2 suggests.
            year between 1984 and 1993, and a mean of  The increase shown may be due in part to
            49.0 per year during 1994-2001. We estimate  better knowledge of the field identification of
            that the number of northbound Pallid Harriers  small harriers in recent years, which means a
            has been 100+ per spring since about 1998;  greater proportion of females and immatures




                 84  85  86  87  88  89  90  91  92  93  94  95  96  97  98  99  00  01
              Fig. 2. Numbers (total) of Pallid Harriers Circus macrourus recorded in spring (April and May), Strait of Messina,
              southern Italy, 1984-2001. A grand total of 459 individuals was recorded in these 18 years (mean = 25.5, range:
              0-132). During 1998-2001, counts were also made in February-March (Cardelli & Corso in prep.) but these are
                  not included in fig. 2. Furthermore, in 1998, 45+ Pallid Harriers were recorded from a site close to
                               our study area (see text); these are also not included here.

            240                                               British Birds 97 • May 2004 • 238-246
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