Page 27 - DAnna_Badalamenti_alii_2013
P. 27

•  To what degree and extent is the priority objective in your case study being achieved?
                      The  legislation  and  executive  regulations  crucial  for  reaching  the  priority  objective  in  the
                      Egadi MPA have been adopted only in the last two years. For this reason the management
                      process which should bring to the maintaining or restoration to favourable conservation status
                      of conservation features of the Egadi MPA is only in its initial stage.

                   •  To what degree are primary and secondary conflicts being addressed? If there are unsolved
                      conflicts, how does that affect the achievement of the priority objective?
                      The LFMP and the regulations of the Egadi MPA contain measures only recently adopted that
                      are expected to attenuate both intra-sectoral (small scale fishery vs trawling) and inter-sectoral
                      (conservation  vs  fisheries)  conflicts.  The  recent  Egadi  Islands  Management  Plan,  which
                      includes  the  local  Natura  2000  sites  are  expected  to  contribute  to  the  reduction  of  the
                      conservation vs tourism conflict.  As reported in section 3, several conflicts still exist among
                      the main activities going on in the Egadi MPA. The unsolved conflicts represent an important
                      deterrent for the achievement of the primary objective because they involve  politicians, trade
                      associations and managers in a sort of “game of roles” aimed at defending the interests of
                      single sectors. These unsolved conflicts are also producing negative effects even on the new
                      bottom-up  governance  approach  adopted  for  the  re-zonation  of  the  MPA  (source:  local
                      newspaper articles).
                   •  Is  there  any  noticeable  trend  in  terms  of  effectiveness  (is  the  situation  being  improved,
                      worsened, or stable)?
                      Thanks to the recent legislative tools adopted and according to the stakeholders perception
                      recorded in the interviews,, the trend of the first 20 years of MPA management is now slowly
                      being inverted with a likely improvement in the governance approach.

               Specific elements of governance approaches that lead to high or low effectiveness in achieving
               the priority objective will be explored in detail in the next section. However, please do briefly
               outline and discuss the main reasons/factors (could be part of the context, policy framework,
               governance approach etc) that contribute to high or low effectiveness in achieving the priority

               The  lack  of  an  MPA  management  plan  of  the  Egadi  MPA  hampers  the  fulfilment  of  the  priority
               objective under any governance system. Without such a plan there is no clearly set objective and the
               measures contained in the MPA regulations are often confused; furthermore neither monitoring nor
               assessment of reserve effect exist to date. Some interviewed stakeholders stated that the absence of
               well  defined  and  universally  accepted  objectives  is  the  main  deterrent  against  a  socio-economic
               development  related  to  the  presence  of  the  MPA.  They  also  denoted  the  absence  of  a  governance
               approach for an integrated management of the Egadi archipelago as a whole (see above). However,
               some  positive  elements  of  governance  have  been  recently  adopted,  like  e.g.  the  creation  of  a
               governance body inside the Trapani LFMP that includes many Egadi stakeholders, including the MPA
               director (Fig. 7). This is the first attempt to an integrated approach to the management of the Egadi
               archipelago  and  it  might  contribute  to  higher  effectiveness  in  achieving  the  priority  objective.
               However  no strategic  governance approach  has  been  adopted  to  coordinate all  the existing  spatial-
               based  initiatives  related  to  nature  conservation,  fisheries  and  tourism  (Fig.  3).  The  lack  of  an
               overarching coordinating body hampers the achievement of the priority objective.

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