Page 4 - DeidunSchembri2006
P. 4


compos1tlon; the most abundant species collected in 2002 were the amphipods
Gammarus subtypicus (42.2% of all individuals) and Aty lus swammerdami (12.8%),
and the mysid Siriella clausii (12.5%); however, in 2003 the most abundant species
were the mysid Siriella clausii (22.8% of all individuals), the amphipod Atylus
swammerdami (16%) and the mysid Siriella armata (7.4%).

    For Maltese beaches, temporal changes in abundance were much more pro-
nounced for all taxa (Fig. l ) but were especially so for the mysids. During 2002,
mysids varied from a maximum of 51.7% of the total individuals collected in summer
to a minimum of 8.6% in spring; during 2003, mysids ranged from a maximum of
44.7% of the total individuals collected in spring to a minimum of 31.2% in winter.

120                                                                    [[llTonaeids                                                                               III Cu~Mceans

               AUTUMf\1         WINTfR    SPRINO               SUMMER  I i iFISh           120                        SPRff\1()                                          Fish
     100                                                                                            AUTU\4111 WNTER                              SUMMER
                               ll       ~l l;~ -                "" l   •Cumaceans                                    o x pt
       80                                      l1l1 ;~~~•;::      l                        100                                                             ([llranaelds
                               wR                                      D MotJscs
oc 80                                           n               ox                    oc 80                                                                   O Molluscs
                                 ox                                    • lsopods      E
"co;";                                  wR c                  wR                      "ao'. 60                                                         . ,.,pod$
                                                                       D Decapods
a. 40                                     ox                           D Polychaetes  E                                                              D Oecepods
Eo                                                                     D ~·           o
                                                                       D M.,-         (.) 40                                                         D PolycMetes
                                                                                      Q)                                                             O Ampl'ipods
c 20
                                                                                      Cl                                                             0 Mv•ids
                                                                                      fcl  20
Q.                                                                                    oQ)

          wR                                                                          Q.
                                                                                                  ox  ox                                         wR

     BEACH                                                             A BEACH                                                                       B

     n • no f&I.I"Ml recorded                                                                   W>leW • TQWf)( Bay; O • Oolden Bay; R • Romla;

                                                                                                X • X ~Ahmar,C • Corjgl Beach;LB • l Ekrrcne;Pt • Porto; Px • Poueilo

Fig. l - Seasonal variation in taxonomic composition of the surf zone fauna! assemblages from
            the beaches sampled in (A) 200 1 and (B) 2002.

             Variazioni stagionali nella composizione tassonomica dei popolamenti faunistici della zona di swf
             delle spiagge campionate nel 2001 ( A) e 2002 ( B).

120                                                                                        120 ~----------------~

                    oul\MTlll  wint...  spring   summer                                                                                        summer
                                                                                           100 Feedlng Type
 ~100                          ~~ EF              r-
        80                                                    Feeding Type
                                                    QX                                   c 80                                                    bl'-rophyt""'-
oc                                              WR             ~ophytoph<ogO<AS                                                                      . rophyt""'-
~ 60                                                                                     ~
ao .                                                           llltv1icrocernivorous
                                                                                         "g_' 60
.oE... 40
                                        NF                                               Eo                                                      ~oc:arrM>rous
QJ                                                                                       (.) 40                                                  - 1icroc:arrM>rous
O)                                                                                                                                               [J:letrllvore
~ 20
                                                                                         ~., 20
~                                                                                        ~
                               WR       WRC
oQJ                                                                                      & o ~W ~R ~W ~R LWY~RL~P~yo yx~ ~ousiSca-

Q.                             QX       QX                                                        OX OX OXPT w R



     BEACH                                                             A                          BEACH                                              B
     NF. • No reported f...,..
                                                                                                  W • Wito TQWf)( Bay; O • Oolden Bay; R• Romle

                                                                                                  X = X l-Ahmar;C = Conigli Betlch;LB •LBurrooe;Pt • Porto;Px • Pozzolo

Fig. 2 - Seasonal variation in feed ing func tional types of the surf zone fau na} assemblages
            from the beaches sampled in (A) 2001 and (B) 2002.

             Variazioni stagionali per tipo di fun zionale di alimentazione del popolamento faunistico della
             zona di swf delle spiagge campionate nel 2001 ( A) e 2002 ( B) .
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9