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Arch.  Environ.  Contam.  Toxicot.  31,  19-23  (1996)                       AROHIVES          OF:
                                                                                        a  n d  Toxicology
                                                                                        © 1996 Springer-Verlag New York Inc.

           Accumulation Pattern of Butyltin  Compounds in Dolphin, Tuna, and Shark
           Collected from Italian  Coastal Waters

           K.  Kannan ~*, S.  Corsolini 2, S.  Focardi 2, S.  Tanabe l,  R.  Tatsukawa l
             Department of Environment Conservation, Ehime University, Tarumi 3-5-7, Matsuyama 790, Japan
           2  Dipartimento di Biologia Ambientale, University of Siena, Via delle Cerchia 3, 53100 Siena, Italy

           Received: 22 September 1995/Revised: 16 December 1995

                                                              P450 enzymes (e.g., phenobarbitol-inducible  type) are consid-
           Abstract. Tributyltin (TBT) and its breakdown products, mono-
           (MBT) and dibutyltin (DBT) were determined in bottlenose dol-   ered to be low in dolphins  and porpoises  (Tanabe et al.  1988),
           phin (Tursiops truncatus),  bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus thyn-   which suggest the possibility of butyltin accumulation in ceta-
           nus) and blue shark (Prionace gIauca) collected from the Italian   ceans.  Butyltin compounds have been  shown to accumulate in
           coast of the Mediterranean Sea in 1992-1993. Concentrations of   finless  porpoise  (Neophocaena phocaenoides)  collected  from
           total butyltin (BTs) in the liver of dolphin (1,200-2,200 ng/g wet   Japanese coastal waters (Iwata et al. 1995). The objectives of this
           wt) were an order of magnitude higher than in the blubber (48-   study were to understand the accumulation patterns and levels of
           320 ng/g wet wt). TBT was the predominant butyltin species in   butyltin derivatives in higher trophic vertebrate predators such as,
           the blubber while DBT accounted for an higher proportion in the   bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus),  bluefin tuna (Thunnus
           liver of dolphins.  Butyltin  concentrations in bluefin tuna were   thynnus  thynnus)  and  blue  shark  (Prionace  glauca)  collected
           lower than those in dolphins, with TBT highest in the muscle and   from Italian coastal waters of the Mediterranean  Sea.
           DBT in the liver. Concentrations of BTs in blue sharks were lower   Recent  surveys  conducted  along  the  French,  Spanish  and
           than those in dolphin and tuna,  with kidney having the highest   Italian coasts of the Mediterranean  Sea revealed contamination
           concentrations. TBT was the predominant form ofbutyltin deriv-   by butyltin  compounds with  several  water  samples  exceeding
           atives in all the tissues of shark. Accumulation of butyltin com-   the environmental  quality  standard  of 2  ng TBT/L introduced
           pounds in liver/kidney seems to be associated with the presence   in  1987 by the UK (Gabrielides  et al.  1990; Alzieu et al.  1991).
           of proteins such as glutathione.                   Seawater,  sediments  and mussels collected from several Italian
                                                              and Spanish harbors along the Mediterranean coasts had consid-
                                                              erable  concentrations  of butyltin  compounds  (Caricchia  et al.
                                                              1991; Tolosa et al.  1992; Cocchieri et al.  1993).  Dolphins and
                                                              higher  trophic  level  predatory  fish,  such  as  sharks  and  tuna,
           The toxicological implications of tributyltin (TBT) compounds,
                                                              may be exposed to butyltins through their food. Although PCB
           originating from antifouling paints, in estuarine and coastal wa-
                                                              contamination was considered one of the major causes  for the
           ters are a matter of great concern. Studies have shown that TBT
                                                              mortality of bottlenose dolphins along the Italian coasts (Corsol-
           exerts  toxic  effects  at concentrations  of a  few  ng/L to marine
                                                              ini  et  al.  1995),  information  is  lacking  on  the  accumulation
           invertebrates (Gabrielides etal. 1990; Bryan etal. 1986; Bushong
                                                              of  butyltin  species.  In  the  Mediterranean  region,  France  has
           et al.  1990) and at a few ixg/L to fish (Hall and Pinkney  1985).
                                                              restricted the use of organotin antifouling paints  since  1982 on
           Butyltin compounds have been found in lower trophic organisms
                                                              the hulls  of some boats  (<25  m  long)  and this  regulation  has
           including algae, mollusks, and fish, but there is little information
                                                              been adopted by the European Union since  1991  (Alzieu et al.
           on the accumulation and toxic effects of TBT in higher trophic
                                                              1991).  Analysis  of butyltin  compounds  in  dolphins  and  fish
           vertebrate predators such as dolphins and sharks. TBT is bioaccu-
                                                              may provide information on the present status of contamination
           mulative, with the octanol-water partition coefficients (Kow) in
                                                              by these  compounds in Mediterranean  coasts.
           the range of 103-104 (Laughlin and Lind6n 1987). In marine ani-
          mals, TBT is metabolized by microsomal cytochrome P450 en-
          zyme systems (Lee  1985).  The activities of certain cytochrome
                                                              Materials  and  Methods
                                                              Collection  of Samples
           *  Present  address:  Skidaway  Institute  of Oceanography,  10 Ocean
          Science Circle, Savannah, GA 31411, USA
                                                              Blubber (excised from mid-dorsal region of the trunk) and liver were
          Correspondence to: K. Kannan
                                                              obtained from two male bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) found
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