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Distribution of antifouling biocides
in coastal seawater of Egadi Islands
The pollution level due to antifouling biocides in the Marine Protected Area of Egadi Islands (MPA)
has been evaluated by both grab and passive sampling. Analyses of tributyltin (TBT), diuron, irgarol, chlorothalonil
and dichlofluanid have been carried out on seawater and sediments. The results indicate a good condition
of the coastline, but further studies with passive sampling for TBT are required to help the MPA administrators
to control the status of the seawater with a methodology suitable to reach the Environmental Quality Standard
values established by the Water Framework Directive
DOI 10.12910/EAI2015-068
QP. Massanisso, C. Ubaldi, S. Chiavarini, M. Pezza, S. Cannarsa, A. Bordone
Colonization by fouling organisms is a problem for any Nƍ-dimethyl-N-phenylsulfamide) are extensively used
structure placed in the aquatic environment and can be worldwide in AF paints [1].
controlled through both chemical biocides and non-biocidal The widespread use of biocides in AF paints has resulted
technologies. In spite of the progress made on diverse non- in high levels of contamination in the environment and
biocidal technologies and an increase in the commercial use has raised concerns about their effects on marine
of fouling-release coatings, the majority of vessels are still communities (shell malformation in oysters, mortality
protected by antifouling (AF) paints containing biocides. of mussel larvae and imposex in gasteropods), leading
Formulations containing tributyltin (TBT) were the most to policy actions to regulate their utilization and to set
successful against biofouling but they were banned in environmental quality standards (EQSs).
2008,due to the detrimental impact on sealife.Currently, The Water Framework Directive (WFD) of the European
most antifouling paints contain copper or zinc as an Commission (EC 2000/60/EC) describes the monitoring
active ingredient and a “booster” biocide to strengthen of priority substances and other pollutants in surface
the effectiveness of the formulation [1]. waters, including coastal waters. The daughter directive
In particular, the herbicides irgarol 1051 (2-methylthio- 2008/105/EF of the European Parliament and the Council
4-tert-butylamino-6-cyclopropilamino-s-triazine) and of the European Union has defined EQSs for priority
diuron (3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)1,1-dimethylurea) and the substances in water and sediment, with the aim to protect
fungicides chlorothalonil (2,4,5,6-tetrachloro iso-phthalo the aquatic environment from adverse effects of these
nitrile) and dichlofluanid (N-dichlorofluoromethylthio-Nƍ, substances. Amongst the priority substances, specific
compounds have been classified as priority hazardous
Contact person: Carla Ubaldi substances, with the aim to cease or phase out their discharges, emissions and losses.
The list of priority substances include the biocides TBT
(priority hazardous substances) and diuron and, after a
recent revision (Directive 2013/39/EU), irgarol.
30 EAI Energia, Ambiente e Innovazione 4/2015